anyways~ a quick update : (doubt anyone is still reading my blog but yea ^^)
stpm is in a month away (no joke) and here i am. enjoying life as if stpm is just a fragment of my imagination. denying reality. *pats myself* very you, ming.
yes child, you should buck up and study! seriously =.=
so yea, i feel like my blog is so lifeless cause all i seem to blog about is my study life. cause you see thats THE SAD PART, i only have a study life. not~ :P hehehe~ jk~
okay, this is so lame, its like talking to myself. i feel pathetic now =.= i shall go read! :D the lost symbol. no, i should not, i should read my bio volume 1...
guess what, i shall stop and have my internal battles, off this website.
till here then! ^^
(excuse me for my internal-chat-battling-thingee)