i miss those days :/ soraa~~

i feel so moodless lately. i dont know why too. like just no mood you know. yeaaa. nothing's wrong just, nothing's seem to be right either. it's like i'm floating around not heading anywhere, just stuck there, lost, not knowing where to go. i dont have the will or energy to study. just slacking and yet exam is in 3 weeks time. all i wanna do is just lie on my bed for days, staring at the ceiling, thats my ideal way of spending free time. i'm not kidding. i dont think i'm depress cause it's not like i'm sad and stuff. i just dont feel anything anymore. dont feel like texting too. i know right or even talking on the phone. may be i still prefer talking on the phone compared to texting. but yea, thats just it. emptiness. nothing. just going through my life not living it, one day at a time ._. weird much? may be i really need a vacation, a getaway. i haven't been on a single vacation since i started 2011. no brunei, no kundasang, nothing. oh! and this has been a horrible weekend, i cannot think of one good thing that has happened.

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