and i love u momman :D tho i know u'll never read this post but stilll you A LOT! eventho sometimes u are sooooo THAT. but yea :) sorry for all that i've down, i must be a pretty bad kid since i thinking bout what i say and do to you + what u did for all of us makes me cry =.= and yes, i shall control temper for family's sake =/ and i'll try and help you out as much as possible eventho half the time all you caused me is just troubles and problems which i'm sure you dont know of =.= no m not ranting, just stating u know... &&& we should all sit down more and have family meeting/talk. i used to dread those days but then now i realise that i really miss it. we all barely even sit and eat dinner together. yea. that saddens me a lot. anyways~ hope u're happy today and m really sorry that when i book myself for work, i didnt know its mothers day today, i'll make it up to you :) someway. somehow.

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