dont vent your anger on someone else~!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

EARTH HOUR PEOPLE!!! yea~ i offed the lights except for 2, on the air conditioner & computers. see I'm like sooo contributing to this earth hour thingee =)

ok fine I'm bored, that was just to break the ice. Anyways~ i just came back from this mall and went to this book store call "popular" which i'm sure most of you have heard before and the person's who's at the CASHIER HAS A FRIGGIN SHITTY ATTITUDE. seriously. gawd...i so feel like just ringing her manager up! and i tell you that is a veryy nice manager. You know being indecisive and all i was like should i get it or not..which i guess totally pisses that cashier off. (who obviously had a bad day). and while she's getting that plastic bag to put my book in she was complaining to another cashier who gave a just-relax-la-smile. and come on I WAS STILL STANDING AT THE CASHIER i can see it you know. and before that she gave me that look of annoyance which i TOTALLY overlooked by telling myself.IGNORE IT. gah!~ i was so pissed.

that's why people, if you can afford i highly recommend you to go for franchises, or high class place where people can speak proper English, don't have a shit-ass attitude and the service is so way better!

well~ yea...that's all.