Tuesday, March 22, 2011

i wish i could slack and just watch weeds grow..seriously i would. but too bad eh, i dont even have time for that. ceiling-staring it is then(before i sleep tho cause i can stare at "nothingness" whole day longgg)..

as expected, my result for this exam is HORRIBLE. may be i should go for solitary confinement. may b it'll work better that way...i mean i've really thought about it and it seems like a pretty good idea you know. i mean, i'll socialise when necessary (usually will be when i need to ask bout work) i'll miss the fun time when i get to hangout with my friends/buddiesss but i mean, my goal/reason why i', even at this place, form 6, bloody stpm is really just to get a scholarship overseas if possible full, if not 70% and above fee waiver.

if my results were to MAINTAIN, i'm screwed, i can kiss the dream goodbye. so its either i go on a hunt to look for a magic lamp and make sure i find one BEFORE stpm or i do something big, different, drastic to improve my marks and by improving i dont mean few marks per exam.....