English ABC~

Thursday, January 21, 2010

If you can pronounce correctly every word in this poem, you will be speaking English better than 90% of the native English speakers in the world. After trying the verses, a Frenchman said he'd prefer six months of hard labour to reading six lines aloud. Try them yourself.

Dearest creature in creation,
Study English pronunciation.
I will teach you in my verse
Sounds like corpse, corps, horse, and worse.
I will keep you, Suzy, busy,
Make your head with heat grow dizzy.
Tear in eye, your dress will tear.
So shall I! Oh hear my prayer.
Just compare heart, beard, and heard,
Dies and diet, lord and word,
Sword and sward, retain and Britain..
(Mind the latter, how it's written.)
Now I surely will not plague you
With such words as plaque and ague.
But be careful how you speak:
Say break and steak, but bleak and streak;
Cloven, oven, how and low,
Script, receipt, show, poem, and toe.
Hear me say, devoid of trickery,
Daughter, laughter, and Terpsichore,
Typhoid, measles, topsails, aisles,
Exiles, similes, and reviles;
Scholar, vicar, and cigar,
Solar, mica, war and far;
One, anemone, Balmoral,
Kitchen, lichen, laundry, laurel;
Gertrude, German, wind and mind,
Scene, Melpomene, mankind.
Billet does not rhyme with ballet,
Bouquet, wallet, mallet, chalet.
Blood and flood are not like food,
Nor is mould like should and would.
Viscous, viscount, load and broad,
Toward, to forward, to reward.
And your pronunciation's OK
When you correctly say croquet,
Rounded, wounded, grieve and sieve,
Friend and fiend, alive and live.
Ivy, privy, famous; clamour
And enamour rhyme with hammer.
River, rival, tomb, bomb, comb,
Doll and roll and some and home.
Stranger does not rhyme with anger,
Neither does devour with clangour.
Souls but foul, haunt but aunt,
Font, front, wont, want, grand, and grant,
Shoes, goes, does. Now first say finger,
And then singer, ginger, linger,
Real, zeal, mauve, gauze, gouge and gauge,
Marriage, foliage, mirage, and age.
Query does not rhyme with very,
Nor does fury sound like bury.
Dost, lost, post and doth, cloth, loth.
Job, nob, bosom, transom, oath.
Though the differences seem little,
We say actual but victual.
Refer does not rhyme with deafer.
Foeffer does, and zephyr, heifer.
Mint, pint, senate and sedate;
Dull, bull, and George ate late.
Scenic, Arabic, Pacific,
Science, conscience, scientific..
Liberty, library, heave and heaven,
Rachel, ache, moustache, eleven..
We say hallowed, but allowed,
People, leopard, towed, but vowed.
Mark the differences, moreover,
Between mover, cover, clover;
Leeches, breeches, wise, precise,
Chalice, but police and lice;
Camel, constable, unstable,
Principle, disciple, label.
Petal, panel, and canal,
Wait, surprise, plait, promise, pal.
Worm and storm, chaise, chaos, chair,
Senator, spectator, mayor.
Tour, but our and succour, four.
Gas, alas, and Arkansas.
Sea, idea, Korea, area,
Psalm, Maria, but malaria.
Youth, south, southern, cleanse and clean.
Doctrine, turpentine, marine.
Compare alien with Italian,
Dandelion and battalion.
Sally with ally, yea, ye,
Eye, I, ay, aye, whey, and key.
Say aver, but ever, fever,
Neither, leisure, skein, deceiver.
Heron, granary, canary.
Crevice and device and aerie.
Face, but preface, not efface.
Phlegm, phlegmatic, ass, glass, bass.
Large, but target, gin, give, verging,
Ought, out, joust and scour, scourging.
Ear, but earn and wear and tear
Do not rhyme with here but ere.
Seven is right, but so is even,
Hyphen, roughen, nephew Stephen,
Monkey, donkey, Turk and jerk,
Ask, grasp, wasp, and cork and work.
Pronunciation (think of Psyche!)
Is a paling stout and spikey?
Won't it make you lose your wits,
Writing groats and saying grits?
It's a dark abyss or tunnel:
Strewn with stones, stowed, solace, gunwale,
Islington and Isle of Wight,
Housewife, verdict and indict.
Finally, which rhymes with enough,
Though, through, plough, or dough, or cough?
Hiccough has the sound of cup.
My advice is to give up!!!

another wednesday

Monday, January 18, 2010

I'm back mapling. hahah! but surprisingly this time i'm towallie not addicted to it..well i just play so that i can waste my time...so i'm not really into the leveling and all plus i only play when i have friends with me. hahah! paying alone sucks... BIG TIME.

really wanna go see my cousins new pup =( and i wont be taking my computer, law test tomorrow and instead has been changed to thursday. no space =( sooo yea~~~~~~ its all good tho cause i dont think i'm very prepared to take the test. ahahhaha! and i hope more plp can on9 in the morning seriously so damn boring and today maple's having server check soo i cant play..meh =/

decided not to let plp guess the lyrics cause it seems so l-a-m-e, so ima prolly still gonna put lyrics or quotes from books, and if u guys wanna know where i get those quotes/lyrics from just ask me. oh and btw~ nickt got it right, kris allen-live like we're dying. he sounds awfully like the script, actually i did thought it was the script =/ hahha~

just realise that talking lawyer style is so hard! like seriously whats with all the lawyer term and all, sounds pretty cool tho ;) and i refuse to :3 nickt! i shall =3 to everyone in the world but nick! hahahahh!!! =P

Waking up I see that everything is ok
The first time in my life and now it's so great
Slowing down I look around and I am so amazed
I think about the little things that make life great
I wouldn't change a thing about it

the bulb just lighted!

Friday, January 15, 2010

to those who still not get what i'm trying to say, to put it in other way its "i've just got an idea!"

i've decided that for every post ima gonna put like part of the lyrics there for my fellow readers to guess :) it could be songs from any language but i'll try to get like translation if it is a song from another language than english. =.= nvm i think you guys will understand it soon. then i'm gonna post the answer as in the "artist and song name" on my following post ;) anyways~

i would wanna say good luck to those who are working on their "problems faced by youth" essay. and hope u guys can pass it up by tomorrow ;) and at last going for that driving class (law) need to sit through that boring god knows how many hours but oh well! as long as i get my license. dude! i somewhat sacrificed another brunei plan fot this class..then today lydia told me she thought its on sunday so she cant go with me tomorrow =( oh well~ i guess i am after all FATED to go there alone. i'm gonna make sure my handphone is full of battery and sms whoever is my pitiful victim that is gonna keep me company. any VOLUNTEERS? =P

this is gonna be a pretty easy one =)
We only got 86 400 seconds in a day to
turn it all around or throw it all away
we gotta tell 'em that we love 'em
while we got the chance to say

does not! does to, does not! does to

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

my post will have nothing to do with the title~ hahah! the title just reminded me of how i usually argue with people on some certain issue =3

have u ever thought about where will u be a year from now? i mean~ seems so far right? a YEAR from now? you'll be surprise how time flies. anyways~ take it from a-just-graduated-from high school-and-now-waiting- for-my-SPM-result, me, enjoy ur form 5. its your last year in high school and regardless on how shit-ass and sucky that high school is. YOU are graduating from there and trust me, unless u plan to repeat another year. enjoy every seconds and happenings there.

another day in the office, again very bored. boring. freakin' bores the crap out of me but what the hell. i somewhat wish i could be in school with my buddies now..missing them a lot~ its so weird to not being able to walk in the corridors. laugh like crazy because of the most stupidest/retardest thing (yes, those two words are without the -est) see at least I'm not getting dumber. actually i think i am..i was fb-ing with this friend(simmy) then i wanted to say table salt in chemistry style...then i was like sodium nitrate, then i was like..wait i don't think its sodium nitrate..so i just said it out loud like "what's table salt in chem style?" then my dad was like sodium chloride..i'm like..rights....seriously man, just a few months of no school and i already cant remember sodium chloride??! dude, that's like 2 years off hard work down the drains!! and my dad havent touch chem in like 20 years. what does that says about me? you know what! dont even bother answering that question. T_T

if this goes on in a month time I'll be asking my sis how to spell February, but no worries, u'll never know i cant spell February cause this is the 21st century we have what we call the Internet. a spell checker. see~ i can check my spelling and towallie correct it, so yea.u wont even know that i cant spell february.which is towallie just stupeed cause of course i can spell february..damn~ i crap a lot, dont i? i can already write a whole not-less-than-120-words essay on february! hahaha~ well yea, i mean..its a know fact since the day i DESCENDED(god, i love this word) from heaven in my momma's belly (womb) to earth. oh yea, fall out boys old songs/albums are awesome...i'm re-adicted to it again :D

thank you for wasting a few minutes(depending on how fast u can read) of your precious time from today to read my blog~ :) i know, i know. a very sudden and random penutup =P

new year :D

Monday, January 11, 2010

well i guess you can say its been a REALLY long time since u last heard from me. so i guess I'm gonna start blogging again (wonder how long THIS time will last) haha~ the reason why I've decided to start blogging is because i just realised that most of my friends from the winter-camp is blogging so yea :)

speaking of which i went to this root seeking winter camp in china last year 22 dec 09 till 2 jan 2010 (12 days). sooo yea, i think its the 1st time my sis and I went to a camp out of KK, MALAYSIA, with a bunch of teens to another country without parents supervision :D the camp was awesome..i'm so glad i made the right choice to go. no regrets at all. okay, may be a little but not on going to the camp, just didnt manage to take pictures with a couple of plp =(

ooowh, did i forget to mention it was the 1st time spending new years and Christmas and Chinese's ping an ye and dong jie without family~ for some reason i feel that 2010 will hold lots of firsts for me :) looking forward to it ;) hehehe~ unfortunately the stupeed camera died on me on the 2nd day i was in china, tried to charge it but then prolly due to the voltage difference or whatevers i cant seem to charge so the end to that =.= so for that whole trip i basically depended on other plp's camera T_T sad eh? so people out there who has my pictures. CAN U PLEASE SEND IT TO ME?! thank you :D

ima gonna try to upload pictures, but no promises. heheh~ laziness gets the better of me, but u guys can always visit my facebook~ there's like tons of pics there :) and m sooo used to having lyd by my side taking picture than i feel so diff when m the 1 holding the cam~so yeaaa =)

eh~ that's all for now~ gonna tell u my adventures(as nickt says it) in my next post or something :)