first~okay i have to admit it karaoke wasn't that bad. hahaha..we actually had fun. turns out we end up going home at 1am which is the time it closes. (i know soo early right)
anyway~ to those that have realise i changed my err~ i really don't know what u call it is it blog name? anyway~ at first it's like "a way of living" which is like soooooo creative..NOT then now it's changed to "live life, not through it" which is inspired by my cousin(jan2), i actually thought of this idea when i saw her display picture:

<---totally living THROUGH life. so yeaaa
oh yea~ and i've changed blog skin, actually wasnt going for this 1..this is plan Z but seeing how i kinda screwd up the other blog skins and just figure out that i pretty much need to get some1 to teach me, i guess i'll live with this.. and i at last got a happy spamming to everyone just dont simply spam like buy products or whatever if you know what i mean.
hmm~ right! thx a lot mu for teaching me how to dwl the movies! HQ alrights =D at 1st i was doubting it and wala!~ haha..seriously thx a lot..esp the patience..hahaha...others would have probably died >.<

so this morning dad woke us up cause his plans was cancelled..tssk~ so we end up going out for breakfast then went to giant to get come groceries..and this is what me&my sis saw>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
at first i didn't see it then my sis was like i saw this real huge wintermelon. then i was right how big? and she was like enormous would be an understatement, damn i really wanna get a picture of it. then i was like err~ ok.. then i saw it.
i was like o.O wow~then i was like i am so taking this shot, my sis was like make sure no one sees this or else they think your some sakai or something. T_T
to those who are reading my blog and go "wah!~ that also they never see ah" we're sorry cause we don't usually get to

Tat doesnt look like a watermelon chewy O.O. OMG Its a Huge! now if i can get my hands wit it and make it my hat for a photoshoot :3
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