memory of yesterday still lingers in my memory, fresh. A feeling so foreign to me, not a good one to top it off. Your eyes were so cold, I feel the need to withdraw. May be I should learn to get use to it. Cause it is my fault that this has happen. I was the one who caused it, so there are none to be blame but myself. And I have a feeling that this is just the beginning, though you assured me otherwise But i still feel i need a lil time, and I hope that it won't turn into a timeout.
the bright side of it is that i guess i had a glimpse on how girls that chase after guys feels like. and i guess to an extent they are admirable, cause man, i can never put up with that.
nothing but the truth
Friday, April 27, 2012
if i only tell you half of the story, truth tho. you cant call me a liar cause technically i didn't lie :)
i didn't tell this dude i have 2 numbers when he asked for my number, cause well im obviously not interested. i tried rejecting but so stubborn, so i ended up giving him my 016 number and telling him that i have no credit almost half the time (people, i reload 4 times a year, and each time it only last for 5 days) i just wanna keep the number without reloading x)
funny thing, why didnt he just ask me straight whether i was available or not, probably will be able avoid awkward moments in the near future. and plus did i mentioned he's younger than me by 3 years? yup~ hilarious-ness...
okay, so may be i'm thinking too much, may be he's just being nice, he wants to be friends. fair enough, why no jadi kawan when i was in school? =.=
people smell despos yo. i swear he was trying to hit on these other girls (yes, note the plurals) when i was his senior. seriously kid, it doesnt work that way. you're doin it all wrong.
dang man, kids these days.
anyways~ nights people =) hve an awesome weekend ahead.
he's prolly having tons of fun with his friends pool-ing now. never knew pool close that late o.O
i didn't tell this dude i have 2 numbers when he asked for my number, cause well im obviously not interested. i tried rejecting but so stubborn, so i ended up giving him my 016 number and telling him that i have no credit almost half the time (people, i reload 4 times a year, and each time it only last for 5 days) i just wanna keep the number without reloading x)
funny thing, why didnt he just ask me straight whether i was available or not, probably will be able avoid awkward moments in the near future. and plus did i mentioned he's younger than me by 3 years? yup~ hilarious-ness...
okay, so may be i'm thinking too much, may be he's just being nice, he wants to be friends. fair enough, why no jadi kawan when i was in school? =.=
people smell despos yo. i swear he was trying to hit on these other girls (yes, note the plurals) when i was his senior. seriously kid, it doesnt work that way. you're doin it all wrong.
dang man, kids these days.
anyways~ nights people =) hve an awesome weekend ahead.
nuff said
busy week for busy me
Monday, April 23, 2012
homg, everything falls on this week, and i didnt realised it until i saw my calendar(which is next to my bed) rights before lights out last night.
1) Psychology Talk
2) YMM Reports =/ [ 7 activities]
3) Jacqiee coming back :) [so they stayovers and outing]
sigh~ i think i may not be able to attend some outings =( cause of the reports, dang these plp are sooooooo cooperative. okay, so it's pretty unfair i'm totally blaming it on them since its partially my fault too, as usual procrastination. hello, old friend.

due to the fact that my parents are here so no car, no transport. hmm~ unless people willingly drive me around, but then again the only person who's so willing drive me around is probably left forgotten or uninvited ='/ but aww, dont worry, u still have me :)
anyways a funny convo between me, sis & dad
dad: ming, whats the name of that girl i sign contract with that day
me: ehhh~ ni, what is the name of the explorer??
ni: DORA! the explorer
me: that 1, dora
dad: o.O
lawl~ i know lame, but it's a you have to be there to get it kinda thingee... nvm =.=
anyways~ back to work.... i just realised everything clash today!
suppose to go stay over at jacqiee's today,but i have tuition and meeting, LUCKILY she can postpone it to tomorrow. so girls' sleepover tomorrow <3
so tonight, tuition, then all the way to lintas for meeting >.>
till here then, back to work, i really feel like sleeping tho =.=
1) Psychology Talk
2) YMM Reports =/ [ 7 activities]
3) Jacqiee coming back :) [so they stayovers and outing]
sigh~ i think i may not be able to attend some outings =( cause of the reports, dang these plp are sooooooo cooperative. okay, so it's pretty unfair i'm totally blaming it on them since its partially my fault too, as usual procrastination. hello, old friend.

due to the fact that my parents are here so no car, no transport. hmm~ unless people willingly drive me around, but then again the only person who's so willing drive me around is probably left forgotten or uninvited ='/ but aww, dont worry, u still have me :)
anyways a funny convo between me, sis & dad
dad: ming, whats the name of that girl i sign contract with that day
me: ehhh~ ni, what is the name of the explorer??
ni: DORA! the explorer
me: that 1, dora
dad: o.O
lawl~ i know lame, but it's a you have to be there to get it kinda thingee... nvm =.=
anyways~ back to work.... i just realised everything clash today!
suppose to go stay over at jacqiee's today,but i have tuition and meeting, LUCKILY she can postpone it to tomorrow. so girls' sleepover tomorrow <3
so tonight, tuition, then all the way to lintas for meeting >.>
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
I cant stop smiling after reading the post :) a third-party's post. I dont know why but i always doubt. but i should stop. cause it's doubt that will ruin everything.
sincerity ♥

true, very.
i've never had a fix job. the most "fix" job i probaby have is being a tuition teacher, twice a week. and that, i plan to stop soon too.

may be full time is just not for me, my type. so yea =) and i consider myself to be lucky for despite being all THAT. i still get jobs when i least expect it :) yes, i ventured (i know, exaggerated) into so many different fields to test out what i like and i dont, and the best part it, ITS ALL PART TIME. so i can stop whenever =P
I guess i am lucky that until to this very day, i dont have to get stuck at some cubicle for 8 hours and yet i still manage to generate income =)
hence my latest assignments, reports on 7 different activities~
Besides that, im just waiting for that fund of mine to increase and sell it off, so i can buy another 1~ lalalal =D but dang, macam tidak naik2 this >.<
wow, what a random topic =.=
random picture for a random topic!!

i wish i really have them tho, so pretty *o*
a collector's pride, not that i'm a collector. but i dont mind collecting them, as long as it doesnt cost a fortune ^^
This is not a drive by
Friday, April 13, 2012
Train- Drive By, a catchy good song =)
i dont actually have a plan in mind, as in i have no idea what to write, i just log into blogspot and just started typing. weirds.
i'll just update some eye-catchy pictures and nice2 quotes, credits to tumblr ^^

its weird but i love these things, must be due to ely's influence
i just love to receive them tho, not make them ^^

VERY true! =O
super duper duper true. and most case is just cause i'm "low on battery" =P

Wednesday, April 11, 2012
i dont know why i cried but i did.
tears started flowing when i finished my sentence,
"may be you could have been happier if you went for xxx instead"
and after that i didnt know how i was feeling. sadness? shocked? i dont know. may be, i couldnt identify it. but after a while i went numb. like total numb-ness even though i know you were trying really hard to salvage the situation, emotion.
Monday, April 9, 2012
This is gonna be some real shitty day. and lets hope it doesnt drag into week.
Fuck curiousity, why did i have to go to that end to see whats there?
Fuck calling, why did i have to pick up the phone.
Fuck life, why am i still alive?
seriously, sometimes i wish i can just die off somewhere. assassinated, painless death. yea, im not a big fan of pain, sue me. Being human is just so tiring.
so thats RM 350 burn for cars, stupid cars.
okay, so may be its my fault, my fault for not being alert and attentive enough. Unfocus-ed enough on the roads. should have went out of the housing areas and be at the highway when it happened, then i probably wouldnt survive, and so i wouldnt be sitting here on this miserable day, typing this sad shit. its not even sad, its more like, venting of anger. and heck, i dont even know what im so pissed and angry, and mad bout. But i just am.
So, i might as well fuck hormones and mood swings too.
Anger probably elevated due to some idiot that caused me to knock my cheek bone on the edge of the table. Ouch alright, so close to my fuckin right eye. i might as well just go blind...
I really have no idea what i can get out of venting my anger on a blog, but whatever, its not like i have a choice. i dont feel like talking to anyone.
it's the bad(s) that showed me all the good
Sunday, April 8, 2012
today started off as a pretty uneventful day.
Mum&Dad went to beaufort in the morning, leaving me and sis at home. FOOD-LESS.

I am NOT gonna lie, was definitely craving for some of THOSE =P
but unfortunately there were limited supplies of raw materials at home, and i was really in the mood to cook. so i just made use of what i have; namely eggs, onions and potatoes.
and guess what i did next.....

screw the "images" but yes, GOOGLE
and i found a few recipes that will allow me to "conjure" something satiable for me stomach =P
so i tried this one out, and its really not bad :D
then dusk came and it was time for me to go to work~ everything was fine, then problem started when i wanted to go home. mind you, it was 8pm then...
Something felt wrong with the car, tyres. and then when i stopped the car and checked it out, it was flat. as usual i panicked and call everyone (me immediate family).
Lets just say, i was taken aback by their tone. and when i say that, i meant it in the bad way.
Turns out everything was a silly misunderstanding and i jumped to conclusion way too quickly, thinking that no one cares or gives a damn bout me. cant help it, they were giving such vibes.
When i reached home after my dad helped me change the tyres (he&sis came from home), that moment when i saw the food that they bought for me on the table i felt so guilty for having such thoughts.
Spend 1hr plus eating my crabs ;) then just when i finished my dinner, i got an MMS. My very 1st easter egg :) I dont have this specific word to describe my feelings/emotions, probably due to the lack of vocab. But, i was just really really touched.. that he actually remembered it =') and he actually went and make that easter egg even tho i was so mean just now =( im sorry...
ANYWAYS~ what i want to say here is just that, i feel so bad that i treat the people that loves me very harshly. i treat them depending on my mood. and yes, that is pretty bad =/ and i sometimes take them for granted. And so i hope people out there who doesnt realise that u too, are doing the same thing. Please self-reflect x)
#NoteToSelf- remind yourself not to take people for granted.

Hello April~
Saturday, April 7, 2012
There goes the 1st week of April~
4 months of 2012 has just gone by like THAT *snap*
yea, its that fast. time went by even faster without school.
Amazing, the speed that everything is going~ this morning i woke up 8.++ now? 5.49pm.. hmm~
but overall today is an amazing day =)
but overall today is an amazing day =)
so 7th of April, a day worth remembering =)
started of with panicking whether yik will come to my place on time for the USM test, and he did fortunately. But the =/ part of it is, the test was supposedly at SM Teknik Likas but they changed the venue without informing us. so thank god for having friends during time of crisis, so 3 of us (Johnson, Yik and I) rushed to Maktab Sabah, and thank god for the kind invigilators that gave us extra time =)
then we head to Suria, for our class gathering ~
I'm just really glad to have enter form 6 for the friends i have now. who would have thought that our class would be so together after months of separation.. out of 14 people, only 2 never joined.. whereas the rest will show up every single time there's a gathering. yup! i love them all =)
so i gave the present that i've been wanting to give Isna since i have no idea how many B.C ago. and gave Mel her documents back.. seirously, i think she doesnt even care if i burnt it or something =P but all is well :)
then went for some karaoke session~ that was great =)
I went home early tho, cause i had to follow my dad, and then we end up buying Salmon from this place. and then we had THAT for tea. it was REALLY good! and so worth it... i can imagine how much those japanese restaurant earn... so little, so expensive.
everyone who loves sashimi should really just do it themselves :D
and so i was looking through blogs and i came across this blog which is kinda okay, its nice :)
well, one of it's post really made me think about how certain people
treats certain people. No names here of course, but i cant help that several names really came to mind. I wish these people will have a chance to read this, to realise their mistakes.
NEVER ignore the person that LOVES YOU!
because you don't get anything by loving someone else,
but receiving love is one of th greatest things on earth.
Never ignore or make fun of the person that loves you...
Because you will make yourself not worth loving, and not worth living for.
The world needs more love.

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