may be full time is just not for me, my type. so yea =) and i consider myself to be lucky for despite being all THAT. i still get jobs when i least expect it :) yes, i ventured (i know, exaggerated) into so many different fields to test out what i like and i dont, and the best part it, ITS ALL PART TIME. so i can stop whenever =P
I guess i am lucky that until to this very day, i dont have to get stuck at some cubicle for 8 hours and yet i still manage to generate income =)
hence my latest assignments, reports on 7 different activities~
Besides that, im just waiting for that fund of mine to increase and sell it off, so i can buy another 1~ lalalal =D but dang, macam tidak naik2 this >.<
wow, what a random topic =.=
random picture for a random topic!!

i wish i really have them tho, so pretty *o*
a collector's pride, not that i'm a collector. but i dont mind collecting them, as long as it doesnt cost a fortune ^^
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