after being constantly, verbally harassed for the past 2 months about updating my blog. i have finally decided to update it. laziness gets the better of me, yes i get it but I've really made an effort to update. every night before i sleep for the past few weeks i have been mentally preparing myself to update my blog.SERIOUSLY. i would be thinking about how to start off the 1st paragraph and all bla bla bla...telling myself that i should REALLY update it and not just slack off just like any slacker in this world will do~ this was the thought that i had in my mind before i doze off to sleep. and guess what i wake up in the morn-aft, sits on the chair, facing the computer and thought of the "mental note" i made to myself the night before(the usual) i on my MSN and self-assured myself that there's always tomorrow to update my blog, with a grin, i continue with my daily routine. this has been going for quite a while and also the reason to cause me not to check my friendster,email and blog =) [i know..not exactly something to be proud of]
let see~ lets talk the "happenings" and the "gonna happen" for this holidays =D
lets start with the happenings~
two days ago i went for the piano concert as one of the performer (it's somewhat like a recital except that recitals are a kind of competitions but of course correct me if I'm wrong) i have a solo and a duet piece. Dueting with my sister is Canon in D by Palchelbel and the solo allegro scherzando by Haydn. As much as i wanted to say i totally nailed my piece and not made any mistakes, i cant cause for my solo i messed up badly.public humiliation i tell you. [still reassuring myself that not much people realise] My duet however was yea, that's all for my Sunday afternoon.
also went to watch a drama performed by x-drug users who is spreading the news, telling the world bout the dangers of getting involve in drugs. their testimonials were very touching but the drama was just okay, they didn't really send the message clearly to their audience (my point of view) so honestly their testimonials gave a bigger impact than their show.
so now for the gonna happen~[it's a chronology]
I'm going to go to Kundasang tomorrow and stay a night there, family trip and i haven't pack =D ain't i just great! it's ok i do last minute packing[obviously self-assuring here] that way i'll stuff everything in and don't need to think about what to bring and what to not bring. [actually i do think about it just not as much] hope it'll be cold, cant wait to get out of the city, whats with the CO and CO2 no wonder people are dying. heheh...kidding. anyways~ yea, hope i get to relax n chill =]
right after my Kundasang trip I'm going to go for a camp also on/near the hills. not really considered a hill but at least it's cool and it's away from the city TOO. man i should really stop with these out of city things before i start using sticks and stones to make fire. anyway~ it's a 2night, 3 days thing. i hope i have fun and meet lots and lots of new people. =)
next i have to attend courses for two days and after that m off to Brunei =D m actually more nervous than excited or may be both i cant tell. hahaha.. so yea. cant wait to see all my friends there. so yea~ after i come back for bru, m heading off to Tawau to visit my grandma n my relatives~ [mom's side] oh and guess where does that leave me?? lets see~ unfinished homeworks, incomplete projects and the start of 2009, form 5, SPM. T_T i am sooo not looking forward to that. so yea.....i guess that's all for today.
sadly, i have to say I'm at a loss of words for today may be cause long time didn't blog already so... very sorry if this post is a bit messed up and boring and the typos. ^^
a prisoner in my own country~
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
yea's as sad as it sounds. i am officially a prisoner or an ILLEGAL immigrant in my own country. okay~ not that critical but this is definitely one among hundreds other reason on why i hate my country so much.
my dad and grandma are going to China in a few weeks time apparently i have to stay at home with mum & sis cause sis is taking her government exam and mum have to drive her around.obviously. anyway~ Since the school is having holiday while the government exam is going on,(school small bha..heheh, so cannot fit all of the students) i had the chance to go China with them BUT then there's the passport problem. my passport number is west Malaysia's number and since I'm in east Malaysia i need to have a dependent pass or whatever it is.bottom line is it's a lot of complications and very very troublesome. so yea, right now I'm not allowed to go board any international flights until next year June. that actually includes Brunei but since my dad has another route that will lead us there without something something. i guess it's safe =) so PEOPLE thank daddy. he's the savior. lolx.
anyways~ i want to post up some pics of Japanese food! not from the Internet but from Japanese restaurant i go to =D

food: fried shrimps
shop: sushi king
taken by: chewy =D

food: unagi
shop: sushi king
taken by: chewy =D
This and the sashimi(picture below) is a must have if you
bring my sister to a Japanese restaurant.

food: sashimi
shop: sushi king
taken by: chewy =D
This comes in 3 sizes. obviously small,regular&large. the scallops(only in regular and large) are nice too =D but seriously i would really prefer the small cause there's squid and some odd tiny fishes that doesn't taste good at all (almost vomited) in the regular&large.

food: soy sauce
shop: sushi king
taken by: chewy =D
the amazing soy sweet and another salty. too bad i don't have a laser pointer right now. sigh~ anyway~ the one that looks lighter(in the bowl) is the sweet one =) it taste great when mix together! hehehe.

food: Japanese noodles (dont know the real name YET)
shop: chewy enterprise
taken by: chewy using her hand phone =D
the noodles is cold by the way.and the most amazing thing is it consist of the noodles, vegetables, grapes, seaweed and some sauce. hahaha. at first I was like is this even edible? then my mum was like you try first, and I did. it taste so good! i mean seriously. too bad you only get the sauce in Brunei and we have 2 bottles only. my sis finished half so now we're left with 1 bottle. Mum learn this dish from a friend in Brunei =)
so yea~ that's all for today. I'll update my blog soon =) take care readers and thanks for reading.
pS: i shall now call my page as the eye testing page or something like that(sentence sounds wrong) since the words are like tiny and you need to have good eyesight or glasses to read it >.<
my dad and grandma are going to China in a few weeks time apparently i have to stay at home with mum & sis cause sis is taking her government exam and mum have to drive her around.obviously. anyway~ Since the school is having holiday while the government exam is going on,(school small bha..heheh, so cannot fit all of the students) i had the chance to go China with them BUT then there's the passport problem. my passport number is west Malaysia's number and since I'm in east Malaysia i need to have a dependent pass or whatever it is.bottom line is it's a lot of complications and very very troublesome. so yea, right now I'm not allowed to go board any international flights until next year June. that actually includes Brunei but since my dad has another route that will lead us there without something something. i guess it's safe =) so PEOPLE thank daddy. he's the savior. lolx.
anyways~ i want to post up some pics of Japanese food! not from the Internet but from Japanese restaurant i go to =D

food: fried shrimps
shop: sushi king
taken by: chewy =D

food: unagi
shop: sushi king
taken by: chewy =D
This and the sashimi(picture below) is a must have if you
bring my sister to a Japanese restaurant.

food: sashimi
shop: sushi king
taken by: chewy =D
This comes in 3 sizes. obviously small,regular&large. the scallops(only in regular and large) are nice too =D but seriously i would really prefer the small cause there's squid and some odd tiny fishes that doesn't taste good at all (almost vomited) in the regular&large.

food: soy sauce
shop: sushi king
taken by: chewy =D
the amazing soy sweet and another salty. too bad i don't have a laser pointer right now. sigh~ anyway~ the one that looks lighter(in the bowl) is the sweet one =) it taste great when mix together! hehehe.

food: Japanese noodles (dont know the real name YET)
shop: chewy enterprise
taken by: chewy using her hand phone =D
the noodles is cold by the way.and the most amazing thing is it consist of the noodles, vegetables, grapes, seaweed and some sauce. hahaha. at first I was like is this even edible? then my mum was like you try first, and I did. it taste so good! i mean seriously. too bad you only get the sauce in Brunei and we have 2 bottles only. my sis finished half so now we're left with 1 bottle. Mum learn this dish from a friend in Brunei =)
so yea~ that's all for today. I'll update my blog soon =) take care readers and thanks for reading.
pS: i shall now call my page as the eye testing page or something like that(sentence sounds wrong) since the words are like tiny and you need to have good eyesight or glasses to read it >.<
thank you win!
win i dedicate this post for you! thank you sooo much. this blog is amazing seriously! and it took you for about less that 12 hours to complete it. anyway~ even though i was picky and "win, why is this not here and all" you still smile and help me fix everything. thanks win for the patience and the time to do my blog. hehehe. *hugs* take care..k =)
Sunday, September 28, 2008
changes. it's sad. it's depressing. it might be a good thing to someone, bad to another. some might like/adore it, others hate it/despise/loathe it. it's another "something in life" that everyone has to go through. i guess facing these kind of things it's all about how one handle it.
2008, some greattt year. I felt like i'm about to lose 2 really great friends. no, make that i ALREADY lost one. i see symptoms on the second one. i really wish everything will go back to normal. like how we are before but nothing can ever stay the same. it's weird but it's hard to keep something the same but it's unbelievably easy to have something changed. when i first lost my first friend i was devastated(obviously an understatement cause it felt much much worse). The good news is that after several misunderstandings, a few months not talking and all. Finally we had a light-hearted talk that day. i know we'll never get back to how we are before but i guess i should be satisfied with this much.
i hope the second one wont turn out like the first. i seriously dont want to go through that again. Though i think that there will be a slight difference since they are both of different genders but still i dont wanna go through the pain of losing someone very important to me again.
2008, some greattt year. I felt like i'm about to lose 2 really great friends. no, make that i ALREADY lost one. i see symptoms on the second one. i really wish everything will go back to normal. like how we are before but nothing can ever stay the same. it's weird but it's hard to keep something the same but it's unbelievably easy to have something changed. when i first lost my first friend i was devastated(obviously an understatement cause it felt much much worse). The good news is that after several misunderstandings, a few months not talking and all. Finally we had a light-hearted talk that day. i know we'll never get back to how we are before but i guess i should be satisfied with this much.
i hope the second one wont turn out like the first. i seriously dont want to go through that again. Though i think that there will be a slight difference since they are both of different genders but still i dont wanna go through the pain of losing someone very important to me again.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
BIA~ i wonder how many of you can guess what does that mean. hehehe..okay here's a clue. heard of MIA? it's something similar except B&M are antonyms. lolx..still don't get it? ask me personally or ask in comments then.
wow! i cant believe i have MANAGE to survive without going online for like 2 weeks (with the help of mobile phones). hahah. anyway~ sad to say that my exam is not over yet. in fact it is far from over T__T currently I'm just having hari raya holidays, then exam, the pmr holidays.~ okay sounds a little confusing huh. i'll make it into a simpler version.
week 1-exam
week 2-hari raya holidays
week 3-more exam
week 4-pmr holidays
anyway~ something really funny happened when i wasn't allow to go online. okay here goes~ my mum took my pants to wash(i didn't know about it) and like any other normal days after my dad take out the laundry to dry, I'll need to collect them back in & fold it. So i was folding my pants until i felt something in it's pocket then i was like oh shit! why? because that thing that i felt is my frigging earphones! apparently my mum forgot to CHECK the pockets before putting it into the washing machine where they will uhh~ lets see- soak, rinse, wash and spin. oh yeah, did i fail to mention that earphone was the good one, original nokia and if i lost, break this one i have to buy my own earphones T_T very cruel parents.hahahahaa.kidding.hehe. i was like horrified when i pulled my earphones out and my dad was like hahahha. apparently this looks like more of a game or some comedy to him. i was like sighing like no hope laa this and my dad was like u should go try it first may be it'll miraculously be working. so yea~ i guess i mean all you have to try, no harm done. so i grabbed my phone and start praying in 20 thousand different languages and religion.okay,that was exaggerated. but still i was like wishing&hoping very hard that it'll be fine. when i was about to insert the earphones, me and my dad was like chances aren't very high, logically thinking it probably is spoilt already so yea, and if it really does work we'll put the earphones on the altar and like pray(you know like how Buddhist put their hands together and pray.yea those kind) then guess what! it worked. LIKE AS IF IT HAS NEVER ENTERED THE WASHING MACHINE BEFORE! my dad and I were like "O.O woah!" then like promised we really did clasp our hands together and start praying at the earphone like it was some kind of god or something.and NO, we did not put it on the altar. lolx. so yea! the story of my earphones. so this somewhat shows that nokia is long-lasting and can withstand the clumsiness of us humans. heheh.
hmm~ i guess that's all for now. i'll update later again. very lazy to type =) time to get another cup of ribenaa =D heheh.. and lyd u cant ban me from listening to secondhand serenade and the script ='( cause that's like sinning. you don't want to be sinning do you? heheh~
wow! i cant believe i have MANAGE to survive without going online for like 2 weeks (with the help of mobile phones). hahah. anyway~ sad to say that my exam is not over yet. in fact it is far from over T__T currently I'm just having hari raya holidays, then exam, the pmr holidays.~ okay sounds a little confusing huh. i'll make it into a simpler version.
week 1-exam
week 2-hari raya holidays
week 3-more exam
week 4-pmr holidays
anyway~ something really funny happened when i wasn't allow to go online. okay here goes~ my mum took my pants to wash(i didn't know about it) and like any other normal days after my dad take out the laundry to dry, I'll need to collect them back in & fold it. So i was folding my pants until i felt something in it's pocket then i was like oh shit! why? because that thing that i felt is my frigging earphones! apparently my mum forgot to CHECK the pockets before putting it into the washing machine where they will uhh~ lets see- soak, rinse, wash and spin. oh yeah, did i fail to mention that earphone was the good one, original nokia and if i lost, break this one i have to buy my own earphones T_T very cruel parents.hahahahaa.kidding.hehe. i was like horrified when i pulled my earphones out and my dad was like hahahha. apparently this looks like more of a game or some comedy to him. i was like sighing like no hope laa this and my dad was like u should go try it first may be it'll miraculously be working. so yea~ i guess i mean all you have to try, no harm done. so i grabbed my phone and start praying in 20 thousand different languages and religion.okay,that was exaggerated. but still i was like wishing&hoping very hard that it'll be fine. when i was about to insert the earphones, me and my dad was like chances aren't very high, logically thinking it probably is spoilt already so yea, and if it really does work we'll put the earphones on the altar and like pray(you know like how Buddhist put their hands together and pray.yea those kind) then guess what! it worked. LIKE AS IF IT HAS NEVER ENTERED THE WASHING MACHINE BEFORE! my dad and I were like "O.O woah!" then like promised we really did clasp our hands together and start praying at the earphone like it was some kind of god or something.and NO, we did not put it on the altar. lolx. so yea! the story of my earphones. so this somewhat shows that nokia is long-lasting and can withstand the clumsiness of us humans. heheh.
hmm~ i guess that's all for now. i'll update later again. very lazy to type =) time to get another cup of ribenaa =D heheh.. and lyd u cant ban me from listening to secondhand serenade and the script ='( cause that's like sinning. you don't want to be sinning do you? heheh~
Monday, September 8, 2008
right now i'm half debating on whether should I just copy paste some random hiatus post from some bloggers since we all have the same reason for why are we on uhh..hiating? o.O hahah.
(decided not to tho)
I'm going to be on a 3 weeks hiatus as the exam is approaching. damn! the school is so unbelievable. we havent even gotten all our 2nd term exam paper back yet cause well OBVIOUSLY we just had our EXAM last month. this week is the monthly test and next week is the start of our final term exam. i swear that their real motto behind the so-called "segandingan ke arah kegemilangan" motto or something like that is actually "serial killing through education"
oh well~ till here then. sadly i have a date with physics, add maths, bio & chem. not really looking forward to it tho =X wish me luck xP
goodluck to all of you out there too =D
pS~ i wonder if i can live that long tho. without 3 weeks onlining O.O
(decided not to tho)
I'm going to be on a 3 weeks hiatus as the exam is approaching. damn! the school is so unbelievable. we havent even gotten all our 2nd term exam paper back yet cause well OBVIOUSLY we just had our EXAM last month. this week is the monthly test and next week is the start of our final term exam. i swear that their real motto behind the so-called "segandingan ke arah kegemilangan" motto or something like that is actually "serial killing through education"
oh well~ till here then. sadly i have a date with physics, add maths, bio & chem. not really looking forward to it tho =X wish me luck xP
goodluck to all of you out there too =D
pS~ i wonder if i can live that long tho. without 3 weeks onlining O.O
my life saver.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
lydia is so my life saver. nickt is so psychic. i am so happy. why do i say that? this is why. remember last post i wrote bout how i lost my present? that night when i lost it, i went online and told a few about it who was online at that time. Nickt said that he has a strong feeling that i'm going to get it back and well usually when u lost something chances of you ever even seeing it ever again is like nil~ zilch~ less than 1%. so while just "umm.i hope so." i have actually lost all my hope on ever getting it back(this was on thursday night).
on friday lyd and i were in school thinking on where would i have left them. so after spending the whole physics class on talking about it. the only place we would have left it was in vedablu. so yea~ today she went to vedablu, citymall after the chemistry extra class and just when she walked in. the lady there was like "hey! your the one that has left something here" and guess what right now she have the present with her and she's gonna bring it to school on monday to return it to me. whee~ i swear if she was right next to me when she told me the news i would have hug her. hahah..she is really a life saver and this is not the first time. probably the 100th. =) so i hereby shall officially declare that i have retrieve back something that i have bought and has cleared my name from the people-who-are-so-forgetful-till-they-lost-their-things board xP
anyway~ i was so bored during my P.E thoery exam(2 weeks ago) . apparently i finished it in 20 minutes time and still have 40 minutes left to start rotting or something and since rotting is not such a great idea, i doodle and drew on my paper. hahah. i just got back the exam paper yesterday though.

my work of art~ hahah.. lolx.
on friday lyd and i were in school thinking on where would i have left them. so after spending the whole physics class on talking about it. the only place we would have left it was in vedablu. so yea~ today she went to vedablu, citymall after the chemistry extra class and just when she walked in. the lady there was like "hey! your the one that has left something here" and guess what right now she have the present with her and she's gonna bring it to school on monday to return it to me. whee~ i swear if she was right next to me when she told me the news i would have hug her. hahah..she is really a life saver and this is not the first time. probably the 100th. =) so i hereby shall officially declare that i have retrieve back something that i have bought and has cleared my name from the people-who-are-so-forgetful-till-they-lost-their-things board xP
anyway~ i was so bored during my P.E thoery exam(2 weeks ago) . apparently i finished it in 20 minutes time and still have 40 minutes left to start rotting or something and since rotting is not such a great idea, i doodle and drew on my paper. hahah. i just got back the exam paper yesterday though.

my work of art~ hahah.. lolx.
hmm~buying lots of things lately.
Friday, September 5, 2008
*stretches fingers*-*letting a million thoughts pass through my mind/brain*-*thinking of how to start* okay~ here goes =)
lets start with yesterday,
i went out with lyd. First we went to YOGUR BERRY to get ice cream after that to shop for clothes. i need a better second opinion and I'm sure with her around she'll make me go through every single shop n clothes. it's amazing how lenient she is with her studies but so strict when it comes to clothing. hahaha. d great thing is just telling her once what's the type that i like she totally got it programmed in her head and yea~ =) so yea~ found the clothes that i want and bought it..heheh..owe her 1,BIG TIME. hahah~ after that since there were still soo much time we went to a gift shop. i wanted to get gifts for my sis & cousin who's birthday is coming. we end our day by going to another ice cream shop, VEDABLU. i tried a new flavour, vanilla-raspberry or something. it's quite good, nice. hehehe~ a change since i have always ordered coffee =)
i was in the car, on my way home when i went through the evening that i had, it was then that i realise that the gift i bought for my sis was no where to be found. i was like "shit! the gift" it was then that i realise i have officially lost it. *sigh* ='(
i guess i'll just give my sister cash just as planned and as for my cousin. i'll just give her something. hahahah..lolx
actually me forgetting things has happen a lot of time. it's just that this is the first time that i have left it at somewhere and never retrieve it back, cause usually the shop assistant, waitress, waiter or someone random would just do "heys! your stuff" then I'll be "oh~ rights. hahaha" see how critical this is. oh yeah~ i guess i have fail to mention it happened to a cashier once. i just paid and walked off, then the cashier was like"your things!" T_T
today went to eat buffet. hehhe. it was kinda boring cause i was the only teen. all others are like my daddy's friend. my sis is stuck in tuition. the food was owhkay laaaa~ (see the dragginess of it) it was quite boring tho so yea. after that went shopping since the shopping mall is like next to the place we ate. i bought jacket and pants. haha. dream came true~ it's been such a long time since i wanted to get a new jacket and i eventually bought it! hahaha~
can u believe it! tomorrow have school. stupid practical chemistry teacher. geez~ 8am to 9am. at least we get to wear casually. haihs~ it's a Saturday. she should have spared us. as if every Friday staying back for one hour isn't enough. now literally we have chemistry 5 days a week. mon, tues, thurs, fri & sat. amazing part~ we are taught by two different teacher. one a practical teacher, another is our original teacher. both teacher teaching different chapters. VICTIMS->student. see how much student nowadays have to suffer due to the system of the educational department. anyway~ we're like lab rats to the practical teacher. so we're giving a hard time to them. haha. i know we're evil. but they should have expected it xP
oh well~ till here den. sleepy. hehe and this bug flying around is making me uncomfortable. T_T
oh yea~ happy birthday ong =)
lets start with yesterday,
i went out with lyd. First we went to YOGUR BERRY to get ice cream after that to shop for clothes. i need a better second opinion and I'm sure with her around she'll make me go through every single shop n clothes. it's amazing how lenient she is with her studies but so strict when it comes to clothing. hahaha. d great thing is just telling her once what's the type that i like she totally got it programmed in her head and yea~ =) so yea~ found the clothes that i want and bought it..heheh..owe her 1,BIG TIME. hahah~ after that since there were still soo much time we went to a gift shop. i wanted to get gifts for my sis & cousin who's birthday is coming. we end our day by going to another ice cream shop, VEDABLU. i tried a new flavour, vanilla-raspberry or something. it's quite good, nice. hehehe~ a change since i have always ordered coffee =)
i was in the car, on my way home when i went through the evening that i had, it was then that i realise that the gift i bought for my sis was no where to be found. i was like "shit! the gift" it was then that i realise i have officially lost it. *sigh* ='(
i guess i'll just give my sister cash just as planned and as for my cousin. i'll just give her something. hahahah..lolx
actually me forgetting things has happen a lot of time. it's just that this is the first time that i have left it at somewhere and never retrieve it back, cause usually the shop assistant, waitress, waiter or someone random would just do "heys! your stuff" then I'll be "oh~ rights. hahaha" see how critical this is. oh yeah~ i guess i have fail to mention it happened to a cashier once. i just paid and walked off, then the cashier was like"your things!" T_T
today went to eat buffet. hehhe. it was kinda boring cause i was the only teen. all others are like my daddy's friend. my sis is stuck in tuition. the food was owhkay laaaa~ (see the dragginess of it) it was quite boring tho so yea. after that went shopping since the shopping mall is like next to the place we ate. i bought jacket and pants. haha. dream came true~ it's been such a long time since i wanted to get a new jacket and i eventually bought it! hahaha~
can u believe it! tomorrow have school. stupid practical chemistry teacher. geez~ 8am to 9am. at least we get to wear casually. haihs~ it's a Saturday. she should have spared us. as if every Friday staying back for one hour isn't enough. now literally we have chemistry 5 days a week. mon, tues, thurs, fri & sat. amazing part~ we are taught by two different teacher. one a practical teacher, another is our original teacher. both teacher teaching different chapters. VICTIMS->student. see how much student nowadays have to suffer due to the system of the educational department. anyway~ we're like lab rats to the practical teacher. so we're giving a hard time to them. haha. i know we're evil. but they should have expected it xP
oh well~ till here den. sleepy. hehe and this bug flying around is making me uncomfortable. T_T
oh yea~ happy birthday ong =)
it's a monday without school~
Monday, September 1, 2008
today is like the last day of my 3 day holiday. time flies, no joke. hahaha.great i still have a bunch of homework i haven't done yet. anyway~ yesterday night went and watch movie "money not enough 2" quite good actually. it's funny and very very sad. haha. Singapore movie, so yea~ always on latest issue and all, reflecting back to the society. hahah. it's amazing how they can make a movie out of it with so much humour. (dub-hokkien and mandarin) haha~ great. now I'm like advertising some movie or something -_-lll
i wanna thank all those who wished me, that is~ wani, gloria, ria, sheila, lydia, carolina, fynaz, ong, emylie, my other classmates, winnie, vivi, simmy, nick, jem, mumu, pei san, tan, mia, kriz, rozana, fam, kian vui, wanyee, james, ah en, jan, c-y and ignatius. sorry if i missed out anyone >.< and even greater thanks (haha~ English something wrong already, must be the lack of sleep) to those who gave me pressies =) tyy sooo much ^^
since i have no idea what to write anymore, apparently I'm stuck, which is like the first time i guess. I've decided to continue the "28 things about me & life" =)
29) I dislike creepy crawlies. *shudders*
30) I love to use smiley when i chat or blog.
31) I'm a virgo =D
32) I love my friends and wish them all well.
33) People change, accept it and move on. definitely easier said than done.
34) overly persistent irritates and annoys me(usually). of course depending on the situation too.
eh~ yupx dats all for today. hehe.
i wanna thank all those who wished me, that is~ wani, gloria, ria, sheila, lydia, carolina, fynaz, ong, emylie, my other classmates, winnie, vivi, simmy, nick, jem, mumu, pei san, tan, mia, kriz, rozana, fam, kian vui, wanyee, james, ah en, jan, c-y and ignatius. sorry if i missed out anyone >.< and even greater thanks (haha~ English something wrong already, must be the lack of sleep) to those who gave me pressies =) tyy sooo much ^^
since i have no idea what to write anymore, apparently I'm stuck, which is like the first time i guess. I've decided to continue the "28 things about me & life" =)
29) I dislike creepy crawlies. *shudders*
30) I love to use smiley when i chat or blog.
31) I'm a virgo =D
32) I love my friends and wish them all well.
33) People change, accept it and move on. definitely easier said than done.
34) overly persistent irritates and annoys me(usually). of course depending on the situation too.
eh~ yupx dats all for today. hehe.
28 things about me & life =)
Thursday, August 28, 2008
i dont know what suddenly brought me to this "topic" but here goes~
1) i love the colour blue & green
2) i am probably the most laziest person in the world! i seriously wouldnt be surprise if i got into the Guinness world of record for it.
3) horny people and those illegal immigrants freaks me out. worse if i dont know them.
4) i realize that English kinda repels those illegal immigrants off. which is good!
5) i hate the fact that people come & go. I would prefer it if they are coming and planning to STAY.
6) shuffling gets boring (no offense)
7) the twilight series is so far the most interesting novel series i've ever read!
8) history is a waste of time (no offense again history lovers) i mean it's interesting but when u make it a subject it gets complicated.
9) i absolutely dislike the freakishly odd teacher who shouts at you for no apparent reason!
10) no one likes to get compare so dont compare me with someone else.
11) "whatever" is somewhat rude. depending on the situation tho.
12) it's an undeniable fact that everyone's a hypocrite in some ways.
13) i have a pillow who has been with me since i was born =D
14) i LOVE Taiwanese, English and Japanese drama. Anime. Manga. Sports. Read. Chatting. Puppies. Hamsters. so what does those make me?
15) i cant understand why someone doesnt like cheesecake or tiramisu.
16) i dislike attention seeker (i mean who does..right?)
17) i wish i have a private plane so that i can fly wherever and whenever i want.
18) I absolutely hate to have my picture taken. not photogenic bhaa~ haha
19) feeling guilty is my nature
20) i play the piano
21) i love cakes and ice-creams
22) i feel that hawt guy is part of the endanger species. hahaha.
23) i dislike packing to the core!
24) i wish my PS2 will just miraculously fix itself so i can play again. anyone selling theirs? O.O
25) I have stage fright!
26) I have an issue with saying "hi" to the people i know.
27) Judging a person base on how they look and thru another person's opinion is just wrong!
28) i believe that everything happens for a reason.
last of all i wanna thank you all for wishing me today =) really appreciate it~ =) i'll update the name soon to show my appreciation..heheh
1) i love the colour blue & green
2) i am probably the most laziest person in the world! i seriously wouldnt be surprise if i got into the Guinness world of record for it.
3) horny people and those illegal immigrants freaks me out. worse if i dont know them.
4) i realize that English kinda repels those illegal immigrants off. which is good!
5) i hate the fact that people come & go. I would prefer it if they are coming and planning to STAY.
6) shuffling gets boring (no offense)
7) the twilight series is so far the most interesting novel series i've ever read!
8) history is a waste of time (no offense again history lovers) i mean it's interesting but when u make it a subject it gets complicated.
9) i absolutely dislike the freakishly odd teacher who shouts at you for no apparent reason!
10) no one likes to get compare so dont compare me with someone else.
11) "whatever" is somewhat rude. depending on the situation tho.
12) it's an undeniable fact that everyone's a hypocrite in some ways.
13) i have a pillow who has been with me since i was born =D
14) i LOVE Taiwanese, English and Japanese drama. Anime. Manga. Sports. Read. Chatting. Puppies. Hamsters. so what does those make me?
15) i cant understand why someone doesnt like cheesecake or tiramisu.
16) i dislike attention seeker (i mean who does..right?)
17) i wish i have a private plane so that i can fly wherever and whenever i want.
18) I absolutely hate to have my picture taken. not photogenic bhaa~ haha
19) feeling guilty is my nature
20) i play the piano
21) i love cakes and ice-creams
22) i feel that hawt guy is part of the endanger species. hahaha.
23) i dislike packing to the core!
24) i wish my PS2 will just miraculously fix itself so i can play again. anyone selling theirs? O.O
25) I have stage fright!
26) I have an issue with saying "hi" to the people i know.
27) Judging a person base on how they look and thru another person's opinion is just wrong!
28) i believe that everything happens for a reason.
last of all i wanna thank you all for wishing me today =) really appreciate it~ =) i'll update the name soon to show my appreciation..heheh
happenings during the holiday~
Saturday, August 23, 2008
so much have happen during the holiday. like really really so so much. there's the concert i went and the music competition and all but i'll spare u guys the detail hahah. so lets just go straight to the "most" recent events!
i went to this dance competition(wednesday night). it was okay la..lolx...i mean lots of shuffling and yea. i mean imagine watching the same thing over and over again for like one hour. even the hamster would get bored.but over all it's alright. there was only one group who did break dancing and all so yea, not surprise that the group won first. hahah. bt they're really cool tho. oh yea. it was lyd's birthday that happy birthday again lyd! tho this is a belated one =D
other than that i have braces installed already. hurts so badly. like seriously. but actually it's better than i thought cause there's no ulcer and all..yet. hehehe.. but still. got it installed on thursday and i've already lost a few kilos. no joke. all i can eat is just nestum, porridge, soup. you know those that doesn't need chewing or biting. hahaha. no solid food. i'm food-deprive. sad. it's really uncomfortable. i hope i'll get use to it soon =(
this morning i woke up and so i went downstairs and check out d food, hamsters n all (usual) and guess what!!!? one of the hamster died ='( i was like soo shocked at first, then i panic. i quickly dial my little sis number (cause she wasnt at home & she does all those hamster burial thing..haha) then ask her what to do. she like me too was so surprise cause we couldnt find the cause of death, i mean if autopsy will help i dont mind trying but since i cant tell the difference between the internal organs and all. so i shall spare her(yes..the hamster's a female) the torture
. i mean i have to let the hamster rest in peace right? not cut her up right after she just died tho i'm not so sure when she died. how i wish i was one of those forensic experts so that i can tell when, how , why my pet hamster died.this is definitely one of those mysteries in life. haha.
oh well~ till here then. schools gonna start soon *groans* haihs~ not reli looking forward to it. but oh well. anyways~ i wish my friends on the other side of the world and cousins all the best in their government exam which is approaching in less than a month or so. hehe.
i went to this dance competition(wednesday night). it was okay la..lolx...i mean lots of shuffling and yea. i mean imagine watching the same thing over and over again for like one hour. even the hamster would get bored.but over all it's alright. there was only one group who did break dancing and all so yea, not surprise that the group won first. hahah. bt they're really cool tho. oh yea. it was lyd's birthday that happy birthday again lyd! tho this is a belated one =D
other than that i have braces installed already. hurts so badly. like seriously. but actually it's better than i thought cause there's no ulcer and all..yet. hehehe.. but still. got it installed on thursday and i've already lost a few kilos. no joke. all i can eat is just nestum, porridge, soup. you know those that doesn't need chewing or biting. hahaha. no solid food. i'm food-deprive. sad. it's really uncomfortable. i hope i'll get use to it soon =(
this morning i woke up and so i went downstairs and check out d food, hamsters n all (usual) and guess what!!!? one of the hamster died ='( i was like soo shocked at first, then i panic. i quickly dial my little sis number (cause she wasnt at home & she does all those hamster burial thing..haha) then ask her what to do. she like me too was so surprise cause we couldnt find the cause of death, i mean if autopsy will help i dont mind trying but since i cant tell the difference between the internal organs and all. so i shall spare her(yes..the hamster's a female) the torture
. i mean i have to let the hamster rest in peace right? not cut her up right after she just died tho i'm not so sure when she died. how i wish i was one of those forensic experts so that i can tell when, how , why my pet hamster died.this is definitely one of those mysteries in life. haha.
oh well~ till here then. schools gonna start soon *groans* haihs~ not reli looking forward to it. but oh well. anyways~ i wish my friends on the other side of the world and cousins all the best in their government exam which is approaching in less than a month or so. hehe.
new here =)
just made a new blog tho this is the not the first time i blog..heheh.
my x-BLOG that i shared with my friend has been deleted =( but still like i say every cloud has a silver lining and so my silver lining for my deleted blog is that now i have my very own blog =D haha..sori if u guys lost me there. oh well~ i guess that's all for now. have a nice day everyone ^^
my x-BLOG that i shared with my friend has been deleted =( but still like i say every cloud has a silver lining and so my silver lining for my deleted blog is that now i have my very own blog =D haha..sori if u guys lost me there. oh well~ i guess that's all for now. have a nice day everyone ^^
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