hmm~buying lots of things lately.

Friday, September 5, 2008

*stretches fingers*-*letting a million thoughts pass through my mind/brain*-*thinking of how to start* okay~ here goes =)

lets start with yesterday,
i went out with lyd. First we went to YOGUR BERRY to get ice cream after that to shop for clothes. i need a better second opinion and I'm sure with her around she'll make me go through every single shop n clothes. it's amazing how lenient she is with her studies but so strict when it comes to clothing. hahaha. d great thing is just telling her once what's the type that i like she totally got it programmed in her head and yea~ =) so yea~ found the clothes that i want and bought it..heheh..owe her 1,BIG TIME. hahah~ after that since there were still soo much time we went to a gift shop. i wanted to get gifts for my sis & cousin who's birthday is coming. we end our day by going to another ice cream shop, VEDABLU. i tried a new flavour, vanilla-raspberry or something. it's quite good, nice. hehehe~ a change since i have always ordered coffee =)
i was in the car, on my way home when i went through the evening that i had, it was then that i realise that the gift i bought for my sis was no where to be found. i was like "shit! the gift" it was then that i realise i have officially lost it. *sigh* ='(

i guess i'll just give my sister cash just as planned and as for my cousin. i'll just give her something. hahahah..lolx

actually me forgetting things has happen a lot of time. it's just that this is the first time that i have left it at somewhere and never retrieve it back, cause usually the shop assistant, waitress, waiter or someone random would just do "heys! your stuff" then I'll be "oh~ rights. hahaha" see how critical this is. oh yeah~ i guess i have fail to mention it happened to a cashier once. i just paid and walked off, then the cashier was like"your things!" T_T
today went to eat buffet. hehhe. it was kinda boring cause i was the only teen. all others are like my daddy's friend. my sis is stuck in tuition. the food was owhkay laaaa~ (see the dragginess of it) it was quite boring tho so yea. after that went shopping since the shopping mall is like next to the place we ate. i bought jacket and pants. haha. dream came true~ it's been such a long time since i wanted to get a new jacket and i eventually bought it! hahaha~

can u believe it! tomorrow have school. stupid practical chemistry teacher. geez~ 8am to 9am. at least we get to wear casually. haihs~ it's a Saturday. she should have spared us. as if every Friday staying back for one hour isn't enough. now literally we have chemistry 5 days a week. mon, tues, thurs, fri & sat. amazing part~ we are taught by two different teacher. one a practical teacher, another is our original teacher. both teacher teaching different chapters. VICTIMS->student. see how much student nowadays have to suffer due to the system of the educational department. anyway~ we're like lab rats to the practical teacher. so we're giving a hard time to them. haha. i know we're evil. but they should have expected it xP

oh well~ till here den. sleepy. hehe and this bug flying around is making me uncomfortable. T_T
oh yea~ happy birthday ong =)


Nickt said...

Casual for school? rock on! Haha u need a shopping assistant then as in the assistant that helps u carry yr stuff so u dun forget or lost them and some one to remind u why are u here at the mall at the first place XP

chewyming said...

yea~ i should really hire some1 to be my shopping assistant huh. n since i dont always shop, dat "assistant" will just eat up all my savings without doing much work. life's sooo fair. figuree~