my dad and grandma are going to China in a few weeks time apparently i have to stay at home with mum & sis cause sis is taking her government exam and mum have to drive her around.obviously. anyway~ Since the school is having holiday while the government exam is going on,(school small bha..heheh, so cannot fit all of the students) i had the chance to go China with them BUT then there's the passport problem. my passport number is west Malaysia's number and since I'm in east Malaysia i need to have a dependent pass or whatever it is.bottom line is it's a lot of complications and very very troublesome. so yea, right now I'm not allowed to go board any international flights until next year June. that actually includes Brunei but since my dad has another route that will lead us there without something something. i guess it's safe =) so PEOPLE thank daddy. he's the savior. lolx.
anyways~ i want to post up some pics of Japanese food! not from the Internet but from Japanese restaurant i go to =D

food: fried shrimps
shop: sushi king
taken by: chewy =D

food: unagi
shop: sushi king
taken by: chewy =D
This and the sashimi(picture below) is a must have if you
bring my sister to a Japanese restaurant.

food: sashimi
shop: sushi king
taken by: chewy =D
This comes in 3 sizes. obviously small,regular&large. the scallops(only in regular and large) are nice too =D but seriously i would really prefer the small cause there's squid and some odd tiny fishes that doesn't taste good at all (almost vomited) in the regular&large.

food: soy sauce
shop: sushi king
taken by: chewy =D
the amazing soy sweet and another salty. too bad i don't have a laser pointer right now. sigh~ anyway~ the one that looks lighter(in the bowl) is the sweet one =) it taste great when mix together! hehehe.

food: Japanese noodles (dont know the real name YET)
shop: chewy enterprise
taken by: chewy using her hand phone =D
the noodles is cold by the way.and the most amazing thing is it consist of the noodles, vegetables, grapes, seaweed and some sauce. hahaha. at first I was like is this even edible? then my mum was like you try first, and I did. it taste so good! i mean seriously. too bad you only get the sauce in Brunei and we have 2 bottles only. my sis finished half so now we're left with 1 bottle. Mum learn this dish from a friend in Brunei =)
so yea~ that's all for today. I'll update my blog soon =) take care readers and thanks for reading.
pS: i shall now call my page as the eye testing page or something like that(sentence sounds wrong) since the words are like tiny and you need to have good eyesight or glasses to read it >.<
WOW tat gave me a jump a bit when u mention u werent about to com to brunei, and wow wat a shame..wont be visiting china i guess..
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