i know i just wrote a post 5 mins ago

Thursday, April 30, 2009

hey! m back...i've realised i missed out a few things while writing and i am just too damn lazy to edit it and partly because if i have more post lydia cant complain! wakakak~ btw~ thanks boon, cause of you spamming question, i realise i missed out sooo many news!~ =D

first of all, my school its in a disastrous state. gah! it would be so helpful with a picture now... they block the stairs with those CSI tapes but its like red and white colour..gah!~ nevermind if you dont understand me but the point is they block the stairs cause i think that place is gonna crash anytime soon. well it looks like >.< ooowh~ dangerous. oh yea~ did i fail to mention. it's on the third floor. so high...n you know gravitiy and ceiling.and tiny humans *dont wanna think about it*

then, chemistry paper 3 was like hell..if possible i dont ever wanna see that paper again. i mean what is double decomposition!!?? i swear i've never even heard of it and it's a "we have to plan out an experiment" question...friggin 17 marks.

i guess that's all..if anything else i'll update by editing here.hahahah

p/S~ nice picture lydia on your posts! wonder what'll happen if our beloved classmates esp class monitor sees it! hahah