&&& driving at night is awesome :D no jams, less cars but then more dangerous too T.T i hate those speed-ers who's job is to cut lanes like the road belongs to them..like seriously stop endangering other plp's life man! i dont wanna die of a cardiac arrest! RAWR! >=@
lalalala~ and i re-activated fb due to communication problem. you see, i have more contacts on fb compared to my phone book AND its free too =3 i'll deactivate it as soon as my work here is done. so yea...thus concluding m reactivating strictly for BUSINESS purposes ;P
i just went through my un-sorted tumblr pics and realise i have some pics that is related to my new year resos =P so here are some..i figured out i wont type out my new years reso, too lazy =P but u can always check it out on my great big book of knowledge xD

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