Sunday, January 2, 2011

i just deactivated my fb!
anyways plp, you can always get thru to me via msn, email or the chatbox over there <<<< xD

last dayyyy of holidays..its back to school tomorrow. seriously i HATE.DESPISE.DISLIKE back to school SALES, like sengaja rub it in our face oh -_- i mean c'monn i'm depress enough to know i still need to go back to school and there you are having SALES to remind me of it. hahah~ lawls i know. speaking of which, the only time i love back to school sales is after my form5 when i can laugh at the poeple going back to school. karma i know..ahahha =P

neway~ not much update for today except i freed some birdies&fishes into the river (not the birds tho) and i'm not scared of touching eels ;) they feel so slimy tho but its a coool feeling, better than snakes at least...

especially if there's a ridiculously boring subject on that certain day =P

Goodbye to lazy days and endless nights, messed-up hair and water fights, cute guys and sun-tanned skin. Holidays is about to end and school’s about to begin.