i wonder how lyds is, did she get my text? i have no idea. i really did feel that she so unreachable, the only way i know how she is, is through the updates of her tumblr and yea, thats it. her posting, me reading. i'm sure ely feels the same way too.
and i texted jacqiee last night too but she didnt reply, i wonder how is she. i mean with the preparation for mooting( ITS LATER, x.x) and everything :/ felt like i havent talk to her for soo long. strange.
soo i've manage to memorise all 3 pages last night, but that was when i was super sleepy so hopefully the sleep did not erase my memories away :/ cause that'll be bad. and i had a dream about me being late like i reach there around 4.30pm (but then in my dream it starts at 4.30pm) so yea =/ is that a bad sign? i woke up like..what time is it?!
so anyway~ our mooting starts at 4pm and our respondents will be from Maktab Nasional. to be honest i feel really under prepared. and well yea, jacqs obviously a better speaker so, who wouldnt be initimidated right? oh well, all the best to us. like the dude say: just have fun. tssk, rights..fun... =.= one thing's for sure, lawyer's definitely off my list :P
i dont know why but i've been dreaming a lot lately. is it cause of the stress and stuff or what? i mean, i dont mind if its like good dreams and all, eventho i'd still prefer not to dream cause i get even more tired and it felt like i didnt sleep at all. so yea, thats really bad and so i get super sleepy in school and cant concentrate ._. then i'll force myself to get hyper to just wake myself up. which will result in headaches and moodless-ness after the hyperness dissipate. its a positive feeedback mechanism that is somewhat unhealthy if you know what i mean.
then i really really wanna control my emotions/eq, o.O idk in chinese its call qing xu. dont wanna be over happy and dont wanna be over sad. u know just neutral throughout the whole day and all. like dont let these kind of feelings get the better of me. cause it's annoying and draining. so yeaa. the happy part is fine, but sometimes hyperactivity causes me to accidentally insult people like you know ur hyper then ur mouth works faster than ur brain kinda thing. yea, that.

i wanna play :)

yea..me too
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