my inspiration for this post: lyd's "ps". WHAT DID I DO??? :O i've been a good kidd, reallyyy *puppy eyes* heheh~
hopes all is well there lyds lyds ~ misshhh euu oh-so-much~ everytime i look at my room it reminds me of u, okay, so may be that sounded a bit wrong -_- what i meant was.....cause the watch is in the room and that small box you gave me few years back is placed in my room. so yea~ thus why it reminds me of you.. LAWL. i'm straight okay, despite the fact that i may be playful at times, i was never genderly confuse. PERIOD.
so today was SOO BORING and such a waste of time, just ceramah all day long. tho now working in SG airlines does seem very inviting :P hahaaha~ but naww~ we'll see :) and there was a spotcheck, good kid like me no bring weird things :P but then i find it so retarded to be spot check-ing the form 6. like helooo we're 18/19 and dude, u think we wanna be in school and be bounded by all these schhol rules??? =.=

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