has been better, could be better.
*speechless-what to say*
*thought so-betcha dunno what to say*
thus why its better to say:
fine thanks! hbu? :)
*speechless-what to say*
*thought so-betcha dunno what to say*
thus why its better to say:
fine thanks! hbu? :)

me: *asleep--hears voices, opens eyes, saw my cousin*
jas: yo, morn theng
me: what time is it now?
jas: its 8am, so late still sleeping?
me: dude, i just started sleeping man, i was up whole night
jas: o.o ohh~
me: *covers face with a blanket--goes back to sleep*
few minutes later more people came, i gave up on trying to go back to sleep =.=

jas: yo, morn theng
me: what time is it now?
jas: its 8am, so late still sleeping?
me: dude, i just started sleeping man, i was up whole night
jas: o.o ohh~
me: *covers face with a blanket--goes back to sleep*
few minutes later more people came, i gave up on trying to go back to sleep =.=

one of the automobile that I want to be on is an ambulance, and guess what; i've had the opportunity to, not once but twice. and twice i didnt go for it =/
cause i had to stay back and take care of the house....

lalalla~ it's 4.23am~
seriously..dad should go back to his room and sleep. he's so loud -.- i hope he doesnt wake grandma up T.T hahah~ =P
and it just hit me! : how am i suppose to take care of her tomorrow morn+aft, if i didnt get any sleep tonight? =O

this holiday i have 1st hand experience on:
-taking care of kidos
-importance of glucose in our body (blood sugar level)
-planning a xmas party
-and more to come....i shall summarise it on my err~ reopening of school day eve =P
i mean come on, it has only been what? 2 weeks+? xO

my midnight snack:
ham jim piang + coffee at 1.13am =P

everyone is a someone to somebody

HOLIday? more like WORKINGday...
i just got another job offer from my mum's friend, but i explained my situation, so yea..too bad much? neway~ i did recommend a few of my classmates to her and so ima gonna give them a call soon as in..in the morning of course cause its *stares at the clock* 12.45am now =.=
for some reason i realise that this holidays m getting loads of job offers and to be completely honest with eu, i'm kinda proud of myself *beams* xD lawls~ prasan this. hahahaha
im so bored right now i think i shall blog! ;D night shift plp (: papa's gotta rest. he wasnt feeling very well and he was up the whole yesterday night and he's got work tmr. so tonight its me&my uncle jaga..
lalallala~okay okay~ i think i shall move on to posting pretty pictures with awesome quotes that i have got from all over tumblr :) a hobby i somewhat picked up....going thru plp's tumblr of course all credits goes to them =)) the only thing i did was..copy&save pic. LAWLS.
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