i wonder how did the party went last night.... was the game a success? did people manage to figure it out? or 冷场? may be i'll ask meiling later (:
things are looking kinda great lately (: may this greatness continues till the end of time =P hahah! oh oh oh!! and i saw this dress that looks SO DAMN PRETTY(note:i rarely have this thing for dresses) &&& when i ask how much is it, the girl was like "rm319" @_@ WTF! FML man! TT__TT oh well~ just shows i have good taste kan...a LIL too good xP
and to the 15year olds i saw during my working hours, like seriously get a room..geez man..the dude's hand are like LITERALLY glued on the girl's waist (this is while they're walking/strolling around the mall) -_-lll

You’ve got to get up every morning with determination, if you’re going to go to bed with satisfaction.
— George Horace Lorimer

Ever notice the only people we complain about are the ones we care about the most?

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