ponteng =P NOT
so yeahh, i didnt go to school today. i woke up around 6+, it was a lil too late for school and + i was still sick and i know going to school will just make it worse thanks to the fact that i cant shut up, and that'll DEFINITELY torture the throat =/
so i persuaded my sis not to go to school too [m sucha bad influence =X] and we went back to sleep untill 11am+ where my momma called and ask what do we want for lunch :)
i wonder what happened in school, the only regret i have for not going is that my bio teacher came back to school and she MIGHT just gives us tips for our exam which is next week and we dont have bio tmr, soo yeahh~ u pretty much get the picture.
i just realise, this is the first time i didnt go to school on a normal school day. i wonder how's everyone doing o.O
so i persuaded my sis not to go to school too [m sucha bad influence =X] and we went back to sleep untill 11am+ where my momma called and ask what do we want for lunch :)
i wonder what happened in school, the only regret i have for not going is that my bio teacher came back to school and she MIGHT just gives us tips for our exam which is next week and we dont have bio tmr, soo yeahh~ u pretty much get the picture.

i lmao reading this on ely's tumblr
I’m really jealous of girls that
Look good while doing anything. Like,
- Pretty girl eating food messily = cute.
- Me eating food messily = fatass.
- Pretty girl sleeping = princess.
- Me sleeping = slob.
- Pretty girl making ugly faces = still pretty.
- Me making ugly faces = ugly.
- Pretty girl’s candid pictures = gorgeous.
- My candid pictures = nasty.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

i WANT to go on a vacation
i WANT exam to be over
i WANT to go to school and just play
i WANT more library(free period) and naptimes and longer breaks in school
26th of September :)
Sunday, September 26, 2010
today is JACQIEEE'S 18th birthday!!!!
sigh~ too bad we're not in school :( oh well, better luck next year =P neway~ hope u have a great day jacq's with your love ones (: and and and prepare to get wet tomorrow(may be). neyehehehehhe.
i hereby declare that is IMPOSSIBLE to study form6 bio without internet or a bio dictionary =O seriously, the terms arent even in english!!!! T.T here i am, onlining while googling bio terms, awesome right? -.-lllll and and and i just heard that our bio teacher who has been on maternity leave is coming back tomorrow!!! [and i havent even start on my biodiversity homework, for some reason *i can hear kong's "die" in the background*]
today, i have done nothing but studyin, somewhat proud of myself :) but then my muet essay is still untouched =/ m losing my essay writing mojo and THAT is very very baddd.
sigh~ too bad we're not in school :( oh well, better luck next year =P neway~ hope u have a great day jacq's with your love ones (: and and and prepare to get wet tomorrow(may be). neyehehehehhe.
i hereby declare that is IMPOSSIBLE to study form6 bio without internet or a bio dictionary =O seriously, the terms arent even in english!!!! T.T here i am, onlining while googling bio terms, awesome right? -.-lllll and and and i just heard that our bio teacher who has been on maternity leave is coming back tomorrow!!! [and i havent even start on my biodiversity homework, for some reason *i can hear kong's "die" in the background*]
today, i have done nothing but studyin, somewhat proud of myself :) but then my muet essay is still untouched =/ m losing my essay writing mojo and THAT is very very baddd.
i just used up the first 32minutes of my sunday reposting from tumblr. my exam is in a week time, i havent cover much of my syllabus. i havent done my essay [gawd, i hate essays] and my p.am. i have 100001 thing on my list. so screwed and adults thinks studying is easy.
yes i just want to rant >.<
so what did i do on a saturday?
i woke up at 10am++ and the first thing i do was online (HAH ME) -.- seriously, if my mum ever caught me, she'd me..furious? prolly just pissed. and then everyone was out that time bla bla bla...another morning home alone.
then went to a friend's open house in the afternoon :) thanks for the invite farah! and damn, was i full..wait that is an understatement... bloated[yeah i could barely breathe] with good home-cooked food! :D then i followed jing's car and went to her place, where my dad came to pick me up a few hours later and went to his friend's open house [yeah, its "open house" day] -.-lll
i was so full i could barely eat, so just drank and eat lamb (: damn, so goood yumm =P
after that, i came back home, then my aunt wanted to go to my cousin's place so my sis&i followed. we ended up watching iron man 2 there :) and i just came home around 11pm just now, oh! and my phone so died on me, IDK WHY but my phone has this tendency to go out of batt when m texting plp. rawr! BETRAYER! T.T hahah~ at least this phone's battery is longer lasting compared to my previous one, but i wouldn't wanna complain now, would i? =3 actually i would but, nyeh..YOU'LL be bored reading =P hahah!
oh and yesterday night. my sis&i watch letters to juliet. cute,heartbreaking movie, it was alright la for a romantic comedy (: but ugly truth is WAY funnier xD
yes i just want to rant >.<
so what did i do on a saturday?
i woke up at 10am++ and the first thing i do was online (HAH ME) -.- seriously, if my mum ever caught me, she'd me..furious? prolly just pissed. and then everyone was out that time bla bla bla...another morning home alone.
then went to a friend's open house in the afternoon :) thanks for the invite farah! and damn, was i full..wait that is an understatement... bloated[yeah i could barely breathe] with good home-cooked food! :D then i followed jing's car and went to her place, where my dad came to pick me up a few hours later and went to his friend's open house [yeah, its "open house" day] -.-lll
i was so full i could barely eat, so just drank and eat lamb (: damn, so goood yumm =P
after that, i came back home, then my aunt wanted to go to my cousin's place so my sis&i followed. we ended up watching iron man 2 there :) and i just came home around 11pm just now, oh! and my phone so died on me, IDK WHY but my phone has this tendency to go out of batt when m texting plp. rawr! BETRAYER! T.T hahah~ at least this phone's battery is longer lasting compared to my previous one, but i wouldn't wanna complain now, would i? =3 actually i would but, nyeh..YOU'LL be bored reading =P hahah!
oh and yesterday night. my sis&i watch letters to juliet. cute,heartbreaking movie, it was alright la for a romantic comedy (: but ugly truth is WAY funnier xD
stop global warming!
-she says my blog is like a tumblr on blogspot :) -
Jasmine was in a forbidden relationship with Aladdin.
Snow White lived alone with 7 men.
Pinnochio was a liar.
Robin Hood was a thief.
Tarzan walked without clothes on.
A stranger kissed sleeping beauty and she married him.
Cinderella lied and sneaked out at night to attend a party.
These are the stories our parents raised us with and then they complain our generation is messed up!
Snow White lived alone with 7 men.
Pinnochio was a liar.
Robin Hood was a thief.
Tarzan walked without clothes on.
A stranger kissed sleeping beauty and she married him.
Cinderella lied and sneaked out at night to attend a party.
These are the stories our parents raised us with and then they complain our generation is messed up!
how can i NOT repost this?!! xD
Don’t talk to me because you’re “bored.” I’m not here to entertain you. And don’t come to me only when you need a favor. I don’t like being used. Just get the fuck away cause i’m not going to be your last resort. I want someone to talk to me because they sincerely want to. Those kind of people are worth my time.
i know i do this sometimes, and i'm sorry, i really am. its just me, i'm working on it :( i sincerely apologize and i'm not doing this on purpose. SERIOUS.
I say I’m not pretty. Not because I’m looking for attention or compliments, but because that’s truly how I feel. I don’t believe that I am pretty because I can see everything you don’t. I see how my stomach looks when I’m standing in my bra. I see the face under the make up. I see every little flaw about myself, even if you can’t. I say I’m not pretty because I’d be lying if I said I was.
I hate those nights you wanna just sleep all your problems away, but you can’t because your thoughts are keeping you awake.
:( very annoying but true.
I hate those nights you wanna just sleep all your problems away, but you can’t because your thoughts are keeping you awake.
:( very annoying but true.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Girls stop trying to impress you when you’re flirting with other girls.
Girls stop caring about you when you don’t even give a fuck about them.
Girls stop loving you when you’re off with girls that are so easy to get.
Girls move on from you when they realise you treat them like shit.
And when she finds the right guy that cares about her, thinks she’s beautiful and loves her for who she is, you’re going to want her, but it’s too late.
Girls stop caring about you when you don’t even give a fuck about them.
Girls stop loving you when you’re off with girls that are so easy to get.
Girls move on from you when they realise you treat them like shit.
And when she finds the right guy that cares about her, thinks she’s beautiful and loves her for who she is, you’re going to want her, but it’s too late.
to them boys: above are factual.statements.
i dont know bout other girls out there, the one being underline & bold is how i am. the minute.second you seem like you dont give a damn, even after all the effort i put in, is the moment i give up on you.
its around 25mins till jacq's bday~
m gonna wait and text her (:
Sunday, September 19, 2010

one of the main reason on why i dont watch horror/thriller ESPECIALLY in cinemas i mean come on, why waste $ on something that u'll barely set ur eyes on, annoy people and FREAK YOURSELF OUT, you know what i call this? SELF-TORTURE xD
something is off with my blog, no more colour & instead of bolding it "codes" if u get what i mean. anyways, the last few HOURS of my holidays :( which also means the end of my blogging days, or the beginning of my blog going on an hiatus, or or or~ anyways, point is, less online :( BUT
i'm gonna always be on my fb :P
msn on fridays&sats night =D
maple on friday nights :)
yeappsss :) thats all peeps (; happy schooling~ few months till our end year break! WOOTS! xD
ohh! if you guys have time check out this dude's mashup/remix
sam tsui- dynamite&love the way you lie&teenage dream :D
currently addicted to : tongue tied-faber drive & rascal flatt- what hurts the most
Saturday, September 18, 2010
tomorrow's Sunday and then it'll be Monday, school reopening. BOOO
neway~! i just changed my blog's layout (: i know i dont have those pretty pretty cursor or cool cool themes and all, cause
first- i don't know how to get those,
second- its too troublesome, and
third- i loike it simple (: sooo yehh~
think? i think this should be RE-INFORCED,
there should DEFINITELY be naptime in school, how can there not be?!!
just woke up, and asked mum whether i can go to BK later with jingyyy around 4pm, told me to ask my daddy(since he's gonna be at home whole day longg) now m just waiting for daddy to come home =) & i was just told we're going out for a dinner tonight :( dammnit i dislike those dinner, you know, the kind u sit on a round table (hopefully with people you know) so that u can at least spark up some conversations instead of dying of boredom. yea, THOSE.
tomorrow jacqss&elysss is gonna come over my place to bake cookies for FOSIS. so yeaa, cant wait to have them here <3 [at least something to look forward on a err, school reopening eve]
neway~! i just changed my blog's layout (: i know i dont have those pretty pretty cursor or cool cool themes and all, cause
first- i don't know how to get those,
second- its too troublesome, and
third- i loike it simple (: sooo yehh~

there should DEFINITELY be naptime in school, how can there not be?!!
tomorrow jacqss&elysss is gonna come over my place to bake cookies for FOSIS. so yeaa, cant wait to have them here <3 [at least something to look forward on a err, school reopening eve]
I’m a girl. I have feelings. I overreact. I underestimate. I over think everything. I look too deep into everything’s meaning. I dream big. My expectations are high. I can tell when I’m being lied to, but sometimes I wish I didn’t. Yes I get jealous, and I’m always scared I’ll lose you. That’s why when I ask how you are I mean it. When I ask how was your day, I genuinely want to know. And when I say I love you, I’m not lying.
very true words, statements, paragraph :)
-reposted from Jacquelyn's blog-
very true words, statements, paragraph :)
-reposted from Jacquelyn's blog-

all pictures or whatever u call it I post in my blog, is reposted from either lyd's, ely's or jacq's tumblr :)
woke up at 1pm =O hahahah! its been a long time since i last woke up this late xD suppose to go follow dad to his office but then he left me and sis -.-lll so yea, just the 2 of us at home. what to eat? o.o see,the thing about my parents, THEY NEVER PICK UP THEIR PHONES. then after something happen only they call you back which is ALWAYS a lil too late! *jojo's too little too late playing in the backgorund* xP
i should so train myself to wake up early since school's gonna reopen in 2 days time... I WANT EXTENDED HOLIDAYS! >=O
i should so train myself to wake up early since school's gonna reopen in 2 days time... I WANT EXTENDED HOLIDAYS! >=O
Thursday, September 16, 2010
found some old(only a few years ago actually) karoke dvd and played it~ reminisce the past, the days when my parents friend(family friends) i always come over and sing~ :D
anyways~ was listening to this song(which we heard quite a few times actually) and MV(1st time watch), the MV totally surprise me and my sis. epic sad man! suddenly started crying. 1st time in our lives =O like so unexpected, watching MV then like tears keep flowing not the a droplet of tear or whatever -.-
song: 葉子 - 阿桑
off for a movie now :) wheee~~~
anyways~ was listening to this song(which we heard quite a few times actually) and MV(1st time watch), the MV totally surprise me and my sis. epic sad man! suddenly started crying. 1st time in our lives =O like so unexpected, watching MV then like tears keep flowing not the a droplet of tear or whatever -.-
song: 葉子 - 阿桑
off for a movie now :) wheee~~~
i just realised, i had this blog for 2 years + already =O
just re-read my 1st few blogs and ahahahH! good ol' days :)which is then i realise the way i blog didnt change much. which i have no idea is a good thing or not ~

<3 i would so want all of the above, not the date, and a hug instead of the cuddle.
but a milkshake, ice cream, choc[THANKS JACQIEEE xx], and more time (:
4 more days till school re-opens =/ I DEMAND LONGER HOLIDAYS!!!! T.T
its like i dont wanna start complaining or anything[which i already had actually] BUT the edu system is soooo GRRR, RAWR, !@#$%^&*&^%$
why? [btw~ applies to form6,stpm students only]
BECAUSE 1st after spm, they left us with so many months, rotting at home or something. then when school starts, they spam teach like crazy, trying to cover 20,000 chapters in 1 and a half years time. you know what they should do?? this is what they should do
-may be starting from beginning of the year or something, give us an insight of how/what stpm is, LEND,RENTS,BORROW us books and all, then ONLY gives a 5 months holiday, so we can make our decision to whether stay for form6 or fly off to another continent. and at least in that 5 months time, those that actually decided to stay for form6 can read up those 20,000 chapter -.- NOT SPAM TEACH!!!!
us pitiful students are fuh-reakin stressed out like crazy . geeez man!
*breathes* i'm done :)
just re-read my 1st few blogs and ahahahH! good ol' days :)which is then i realise the way i blog didnt change much. which i have no idea is a good thing or not ~

<3 i would so want all of the above, not the date, and a hug instead of the cuddle.
but a milkshake, ice cream, choc[THANKS JACQIEEE xx], and more time (:
4 more days till school re-opens =/ I DEMAND LONGER HOLIDAYS!!!! T.T
its like i dont wanna start complaining or anything[which i already had actually] BUT the edu system is soooo GRRR, RAWR, !@#$%^&*&^%$
why? [btw~ applies to form6,stpm students only]
BECAUSE 1st after spm, they left us with so many months, rotting at home or something. then when school starts, they spam teach like crazy, trying to cover 20,000 chapters in 1 and a half years time. you know what they should do?? this is what they should do
-may be starting from beginning of the year or something, give us an insight of how/what stpm is, LEND,RENTS,BORROW us books and all, then ONLY gives a 5 months holiday, so we can make our decision to whether stay for form6 or fly off to another continent. and at least in that 5 months time, those that actually decided to stay for form6 can read up those 20,000 chapter -.- NOT SPAM TEACH!!!!
us pitiful students are fuh-reakin stressed out like crazy . geeez man!
*breathes* i'm done :)
everyone's out =/ m alone at home, with the maid that comes twice a week, nyeh~ apparently dad wants someone to stay back at home to "watch" over her, well after what happened, doubt anyone can trust any outsiders entering the house. (friends are NOT outsiders :D)
neway~ been cleaning&washing my bags x) and OHMEGAWSHH, hear this hear this, i'm DECORATING my room =O [yeh, i know, world's coming to an end =P] hahahH! nahh~ wanna surprise my parents and sis, ESPECIALLY SIS :D but m slacking off a bit, hahah~ m not done YET, and am making it a point to at least finish decorating before they come back :)) wish me luck ;)
neway~ been cleaning&washing my bags x) and OHMEGAWSHH, hear this hear this, i'm DECORATING my room =O [yeh, i know, world's coming to an end =P] hahahH! nahh~ wanna surprise my parents and sis, ESPECIALLY SIS :D but m slacking off a bit, hahah~ m not done YET, and am making it a point to at least finish decorating before they come back :)) wish me luck ;)
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
everything seems to be in place.
everyone seems to be alright.
i loike how this feels. like all is right.
this hols has been nothing but drama.
but then every good or bad drama comes to an end,
and i can say im veryy veryy glad that this drama has :)
everyone seems to be alright.
i loike how this feels. like all is right.
this hols has been nothing but drama.
but then every good or bad drama comes to an end,
and i can say im veryy veryy glad that this drama has :)
-no its not a poem, i just feel like writing this way :D - [i just re-read and i realise it actually rhymes O.O i have talenttt xDDDD]
went for badminton this morning :) see rog! i am NOT a liar! and i do not fang fui gi(basically just means promising to go, and end up not going) T.T after that went for jacq's place cause my parents are too busy to pick me up, the plan was to study and well we DID study >.< a lil. hahah! so yea, we end up talking bout her labuan trip and fosis, gawd we really need those $$ if just it will rain $, then everyone will be so happy ($o$) hahahh! oh btw~people!!! exercise is REALLY good, healthy and cheap! :D plan to go do some sport or jog or whatever with friends instead of wasting time hanging around shopping malls AIMLESSLY.
anyways, i dont know why, but i suddenly miss my friends, from previous schools, from bru, the good'ol days. i wonder how they are now, prolly busy cause AS is near,neway~ goodluck guys on your AS or whatever that your going through (:
how to say "i love you" in 100 languages
English – I love you
Afrikaans – Ek het jou lief
Albanian – Te dua
Arabic – Ana behibak (to male)
Arabic – Ana behibek (to female)
Armenian – Yes kez sirumen
Bambara – M’bi fe
Bangla – Aamee tuma ke bhalo aashi
Belarusian – Ya tabe kahayu
Bisaya – Nahigugma ako kanimo
Bulgarian – Obicham te
Cambodian – Soro lahn nhee ah
Cantonese Chinese – Ngo oiy ney a
Catalan – T’estimo
Cheyenne – Ne mohotatse
Chichewa – Ndimakukonda
Corsican – Ti tengu caru (to male)
Creol – Mi aime jou
Croatian – Volim te
Czech – Miluji te
Danish – Jeg Elsker Dig
Dutch – Ik hou van jou
Esperanto – Mi amas vin
Estonian – Ma armastan sind
Ethiopian – Afgreki’
Faroese – Eg elski teg
Farsi – Doset daram
Filipino – Mahal kita
Finnish – Mina rakastan sinua
French – Je t’aime, Je t’adore
Frisian – Ik hâld fan dy
Gaelic – Ta gra agam ort
Georgian – Mikvarhar
German – Ich liebe dich
Greek – S’agapo
Gujarati – Hoo thunay prem karoo choo
Hiligaynon – Palangga ko ikaw
Hawaiian – Aloha Au Ia`oe (Thanks Craig)
Hebrew – Ani ohev otah (to female)
Hebrew – Ani ohev et otha (to male)
Hiligaynon – Guina higugma ko ikaw
Hindi – Hum Tumhe Pyar Karte hae
Hmong – Kuv hlub koj
Hopi – Nu’ umi unangwa’ta
Hungarian – Szeretlek
Icelandic – Eg elska tig
Ilonggo – Palangga ko ikaw
Indonesian – Saya cinta padamu
Inuit – Negligevapse
Irish – Taim i’ ngra leat
Italian – Ti amo
Japanese – Aishiteru
Kannada – Naanu ninna preetisuttene
Kapampangan – Kaluguran daka
Kiswahili – Nakupenda
Konkani – Tu magel moga cho
Korean – Sarang Heyo
Latin – Te amo
Latvian – Es tevi miilu
Lebanese – Bahibak
Lithuanian – Tave myliu
Malay – Saya cintakan mu / Aku cinta padamu
Malayalam – Njan Ninne Premikunnu
Mandarin Chinese – Wo ai ni
Marathi – Me tula prem karto
Mohawk – Kanbhik
Moroccan – Ana moajaba bik
Nahuatl – Ni mits neki
Navaho – Ayor anosh’ni
Norwegian – Jeg Elsker Deg
Pandacan – Syota na kita!!
Pangasinan – Inaru Taka
Papiamento – Mi ta stimabo
Persian – Doo-set daaram
*** Latin – Iay ovlay ouyay
Polish – Kocham Ciebie
Portuguese – Eu te amo
Romanian – Te iubesc
Russian – Ya tebya liubliu
Scot Gaelic – Tha gra\dh agam ort
Serbian – Volim te
Setswana – Ke a go rata
Sign Language – „,/ (represents position of fingers when signing’I Love You’)
Sindhi – Maa tokhe pyar kendo ahyan
Sioux – Techihhila
Slovak – Lu`bim ta
Slovenian – Ljubim te
Spanish – Te quiero / Te amo
Swahili – Ninapenda wewe
Swedish – Jag alskar dig
Swiss-German – Ich lieb Di
Tagalog – Mahal kita
Taiwanese – Wa ga ei li
Tahitian – Ua Here Vau Ia Oe
Tamil – Nan unnai kathalikaraen
Telugu – Nenu ninnu premistunnanu
Thai – Chan rak khun (to male)
Thai – Phom rak khun (to female)
Turkish – Seni Seviyorum
Ukrainian – Ya tebe kahayu
Urdu – mai aap say pyaar karta hoo (the best way )
Vietnamese – Anh ye^u em (to female)
Vietnamese – Em ye^u anh (to male)
Welsh – ‘Rwy’n dy garu di
Yiddish – Ikh hob dikh
Yoruba – Mo ni fe
languages are soo coool. no? xD
i borrowed this from lyd's tumblr. shhh~
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
To players, we’re hot. To perverts, we’re sexy. To adults, we’re cute. To relatives, we’re adorable. To dumbasses, we’re fine. To each other, we’re pretty. To gentlemen, we’re gorgeous. To the right guys, we’re beautiful. But to ourselves, we’re ugly as fuck.
i dont know what made me repost this from lyd's tumblr. the undeniable truth in those sentences? the insecurities that every female face? i have no idea.
to lyds:
i know i cant be there WITH you physically, seriously, screw distance. but i'm always here FOR you. i'm just a text, a phone/skype/msn call away, okay. no matter what happens i'll listen. live in denial for as long as you want, no questions asked, but you know i was somewhat there, tho not as bad as how u seem to be in now and someday you just have to come back to the real world, reality. when u realise its too much for u to take on, know that your friends, family is always there for you. ALWAYS. no one says life gonna be easy man, but then its the toughness that makes living life worthwhile. no? ;) all the best to you. i just read your blog.
question: whats your name...or a better question how should i call you?
answer : varies depending on your mood and how well you can pronounce my name :)
i just realised that people actually does call me depending on their mood o.O hahah, odd ehh~ and some of them sometimes get stuck on what to call me =3
yesh, i'm a girl with too much nicknames =b
what a random post right? xP thats cause i have nothing to write~
well, today, i went to isna's open house! :D awesome foood there!!! and then met my previous schoolmates (: its great to see everyone is going on with their life when a few months ago that seemed to be a problem for most SPM graduates (where to go. what to do)
i actually walked back home! from giant to my place =O THANK GOD i had silas with me, or else i would have died of boredem. walking with friends are awesome (: makes u feel less bored&lonely. but dude, that was the 12 o'clock sun ray on my already very tan skin.
then spent my afternoon, sleeping&studying~ then then at night went for a meeting~ =)
i wonder how did the suria outing went tho >.<
answer : varies depending on your mood and how well you can pronounce my name :)
i just realised that people actually does call me depending on their mood o.O hahah, odd ehh~ and some of them sometimes get stuck on what to call me =3
yesh, i'm a girl with too much nicknames =b
what a random post right? xP thats cause i have nothing to write~
well, today, i went to isna's open house! :D awesome foood there!!! and then met my previous schoolmates (: its great to see everyone is going on with their life when a few months ago that seemed to be a problem for most SPM graduates (where to go. what to do)
i actually walked back home! from giant to my place =O THANK GOD i had silas with me, or else i would have died of boredem. walking with friends are awesome (: makes u feel less bored&lonely. but dude, that was the 12 o'clock sun ray on my already very tan skin.
then spent my afternoon, sleeping&studying~ then then at night went for a meeting~ =)
i wonder how did the suria outing went tho >.<
i have nothing on today :) so its gonna be lots of studying, decision making and sorting things out and may be clean the house a lil today xD
1st question to myself. should i go for an outing tomorrow?
reasons why i should:
-cause yap2/alston invited me
-its a great way to see everyone there
-i havent hanged out with em? o.o
- (i shall try to add some more >.<)
why i shouldn't:
-the movie that they're gonna watch is most prolly be resident evil or step up, which the former i am not planning to watch, nt exactly my favourite genre and latter, i watched already -.-
-i've overspent this holsss
-i want to go isna's place, open hse, i promised (but then i still could go in the aft, so not a prob) :)
-(pretty much thats all?)
anyways~ i really need to call ely coz i need to know whether she's going or not! rawr! but then my hse phone is not working(still), i havent call the stupeeed telekom yet T.T ah well~ i'll see how it goes =D
credits to ely's blog. i just saw it and very much "feels it" so yea :)
1st question to myself. should i go for an outing tomorrow?
reasons why i should:
-cause yap2/alston invited me
-its a great way to see everyone there
-i havent hanged out with em? o.o
- (i shall try to add some more >.<)
why i shouldn't:
-the movie that they're gonna watch is most prolly be resident evil or step up, which the former i am not planning to watch, nt exactly my favourite genre and latter, i watched already -.-
-i've overspent this holsss
-i want to go isna's place, open hse, i promised (but then i still could go in the aft, so not a prob) :)
-(pretty much thats all?)
anyways~ i really need to call ely coz i need to know whether she's going or not! rawr! but then my hse phone is not working(still), i havent call the stupeeed telekom yet T.T ah well~ i'll see how it goes =D
credits to ely's blog. i just saw it and very much "feels it" so yea :)

memorable sunday much?
Sunday, September 12, 2010
yesterday (sat) night, was a blast!!!! =D went for karaoke at karamunsing, awesome place and good looking waiter(s), hahah. lawlnesses xP
anyways~ went there at 7pm++ then reach home around 2.30am++ hahah. i met so many people =O its like actually i went there cause a close family friend's b'day,but then they invited a lot of plp and karaoke aint fun when there's too many people. so i was texting and talking on the phone. (and to those who know me, you know i cant stand/sit on a spot when i talk) so i was just walking around and talking on the phone then i saw my fellow china camp-mates :D
fate? coincidence? i have no idea, i'm suppose to go to labuan with em till my momma wouldn't let me sooo yea. but whaddya know, bumped into each other. so yea, i switch rooms, hahaha :)
so i sang for like 4-5 hours and i still have my voice xD nyehehhheheh~ =P my dad however seem to have a slight sore throat, and i think he didnt even sing -.-lllll
then woke up around 7+ this morning, went to starcity to help out YMM :) drawing/colouring contest. dang those people can draw man! i was amazed. hahah. ymm is such an awesome place, i mean the people are pretty awesome :D and and andddd then i saw gloria :) my x-classmate~ then we talked for like a few hours, catching up <3>.<
and so i missed the outing with me fellow lovable classmates, i wonder how it went.. hmm~ hahha, neways, 1 and a half year people! thats a lot of time for outings ;)
gawd, m so beat i dont think whatever i wrote made any sense...ahahha! anyways, goodluck in understanding and am off to pay off my sleeepinggg debtttt~ buaissss :D
anyways~ went there at 7pm++ then reach home around 2.30am++ hahah. i met so many people =O its like actually i went there cause a close family friend's b'day,but then they invited a lot of plp and karaoke aint fun when there's too many people. so i was texting and talking on the phone. (and to those who know me, you know i cant stand/sit on a spot when i talk) so i was just walking around and talking on the phone then i saw my fellow china camp-mates :D
fate? coincidence? i have no idea, i'm suppose to go to labuan with em till my momma wouldn't let me sooo yea. but whaddya know, bumped into each other. so yea, i switch rooms, hahaha :)
so i sang for like 4-5 hours and i still have my voice xD nyehehhheheh~ =P my dad however seem to have a slight sore throat, and i think he didnt even sing -.-lllll
then woke up around 7+ this morning, went to starcity to help out YMM :) drawing/colouring contest. dang those people can draw man! i was amazed. hahah. ymm is such an awesome place, i mean the people are pretty awesome :D and and andddd then i saw gloria :) my x-classmate~ then we talked for like a few hours, catching up <3>.<
and so i missed the outing with me fellow lovable classmates, i wonder how it went.. hmm~ hahha, neways, 1 and a half year people! thats a lot of time for outings ;)
gawd, m so beat i dont think whatever i wrote made any sense...ahahha! anyways, goodluck in understanding and am off to pay off my sleeepinggg debtttt~ buaissss :D
-time flies
-time is money (direct translation from a chinese proverb)
-time waits for no man
time, time, time. 24 hours is not enough, then with the earth spinning faster, heck we dont even have 24hrs actually! so little times so much to do. how much have i accomplish? (academics wise) tssk~ 10% would be an achievement, i'd be grinning but then unfortunately i can conclude that i barely reached 5% and i only have a week left =/ dang~ please time, just stop for a few days and let me get things done. seriously.
so little time, so much to do.
four subjects and everyone's stressing out like crazy, hahaha, so strange, 2 years ago, everyone was still floating around when we had 10 subjects. hahah, lawl m so tired that i cant even think straight xP
-time is money (direct translation from a chinese proverb)
-time waits for no man
time, time, time. 24 hours is not enough, then with the earth spinning faster, heck we dont even have 24hrs actually! so little times so much to do. how much have i accomplish? (academics wise) tssk~ 10% would be an achievement, i'd be grinning but then unfortunately i can conclude that i barely reached 5% and i only have a week left =/ dang~ please time, just stop for a few days and let me get things done. seriously.
so little time, so much to do.
four subjects and everyone's stressing out like crazy, hahaha, so strange, 2 years ago, everyone was still floating around when we had 10 subjects. hahah, lawl m so tired that i cant even think straight xP
Saturday, September 11, 2010
sorry people but I,
ONLY reply texts and won't intentionally text someone unless i am very very bored or its an important matter. so yea, don't think too much when you feel that it's only you who start texting me cause its just the way i am. and people, you are not bothering me! cause if you are, i will tell you and believe me i definitely will ;)
applies to both gender :)
applies to both gender :)
i'm gonna write on what happened yesterday (: cause today just started ;)
so in the morning i thought i might not go for badminton cause my parents said they wouldnt send me cause they dont wanna wake up so early, so i told jacqiessss bout it. but then! thee parents woke up so early and then i got on with my plans~
then in the evening we as in me, ni, jacq's & tsu tsyr went and watch movie step up 3d was goood, bearable, not bad. not as AWESOME as how everyone says it is. and 3d somewhat hurts ur eye >.< for me laaa~ cause probably i'm not use to wearing glasses/specs. hahahs! oh! and before the movie me&ni went to SR, which is when i saw kosc, he's working there for this holidays~ awesomeness, i wish i can work too, but there's just soo many things going on and a jam-packed schedule =/
soo yeaa~ then after that i followed jacqieeee home and talked for a bit, then my momma came (: and and i reach home and started chatting. lawl. gawd, i miss chatting, hahahh! xD ohh yeah! and i made a skype accout thanks to lyds and stopped mapling completely (i so didnt know i had it in me, the sheer will power to stop when i want to) hahahah. soo yea (:
wow, m so speeechless and bored... dunno what else to write >.<
p/s~ happy now ELYLY?but u know what, i still love eu and i misshh talking u to u lots lots! ~
so in the morning i thought i might not go for badminton cause my parents said they wouldnt send me cause they dont wanna wake up so early, so i told jacqiessss bout it. but then! thee parents woke up so early and then i got on with my plans~
then in the evening we as in me, ni, jacq's & tsu tsyr went and watch movie step up 3d was goood, bearable, not bad. not as AWESOME as how everyone says it is. and 3d somewhat hurts ur eye >.< for me laaa~ cause probably i'm not use to wearing glasses/specs. hahahs! oh! and before the movie me&ni went to SR, which is when i saw kosc, he's working there for this holidays~ awesomeness, i wish i can work too, but there's just soo many things going on and a jam-packed schedule =/
soo yeaa~ then after that i followed jacqieeee home and talked for a bit, then my momma came (: and and i reach home and started chatting. lawl. gawd, i miss chatting, hahahh! xD ohh yeah! and i made a skype accout thanks to lyds and stopped mapling completely (i so didnt know i had it in me, the sheer will power to stop when i want to) hahahah. soo yea (:
wow, m so speeechless and bored... dunno what else to write >.<
p/s~ happy now ELYLY?but u know what, i still love eu and i misshh talking u to u lots lots! ~
momma ban me~
Thursday, September 9, 2010
yea yea, as u can see on my title, my momma ban me from leaving kk. so i'm gonna spend my 2 weeks holidays in kk. bummer much? =( but then the good thing is, I just realised how screwed i am, study wise. i freakin went thru my maths 2, and i just stared blankly. like BLANK. i'm so so so very very worried bout my studies and i doubt i'll maple. not with my studies in this state =/
anyways, just had webcam sesh with lyds :) gawd! i missh her so freakin much. i wanna have more webcam sesh with them ppl far far away.
too bad jas is busy. dude! i miss youu tooo!
hahahha, i think m starting to get addicted to webcamming xP
anyways, just had webcam sesh with lyds :) gawd! i missh her so freakin much. i wanna have more webcam sesh with them ppl far far away.
too bad jas is busy. dude! i miss youu tooo!
hahahha, i think m starting to get addicted to webcamming xP
currently addicted to "no others by super junior" xD
-i wish they can smile genuinely like how they used to,
i truly really want them to be happy-
-i wish they can smile genuinely like how they used to,
i truly really want them to be happy-
2 post in a day! :D
Monday, September 6, 2010
so yea, its monday, i just got home today. i was at jacqie's place since friday :)
thank euuu darls and ur mum, and bro and sis and dad, okayy, ur whole family! they're awesome =) especially aunty, thank euuuu sooo much. so jacq, if u need ANYTHING at all. just call man (:
staying at jacqie's place was awesome, we talked n talked n talked~ if we werent that DEAD BEAT from the choir competition & prefect's night, we would have talked till dawn, but well yea, sue me for being human and sacrificing my time for my body's need. hahah! (shall elaborate more on those 2 events in a while ;P)
thank euuu darls and ur mum, and bro and sis and dad, okayy, ur whole family! they're awesome =) especially aunty, thank euuuu sooo much. so jacq, if u need ANYTHING at all. just call man (:
staying at jacqie's place was awesome, we talked n talked n talked~ if we werent that DEAD BEAT from the choir competition & prefect's night, we would have talked till dawn, but well yea, sue me for being human and sacrificing my time for my body's need. hahah! (shall elaborate more on those 2 events in a while ;P)
[pictures are all in facebook]
prefect's dinner was......well it was great, i think. it's alright la. the vids were awesome. our performance was, i feel so "vase-ee" if u you know what i mean. screw it, i dont even wanna talk bout it =/ anyways~ i took loads of pictures with a bunch of people BUT THEN the thing is most of my pictures is with yap, and THANKS TO MAPLE, i dont think he's gonna be uploading any of it. and and others is with jacqieee and yea (: that, she uploaded, OKAY I KNOW M CRAPPING. i can hardly concentrate, m half watching gossip girl, so yea...subconsciously typing..... >.<
neway~ choir competition. we got 2nd place. we're against junior choir&senior choir. so the results were pretty obvious =/ the senior choir was from brunei! and i saw my teacher from my previous school, t.lito! :D awesomeness! x) and their choir was really good, how could it not be? they were experienced, and and some of them are like FREAKIN TEACHERS!! =O
its just a lil too bad that i couldn't watch other performance just like i did every other year with my sister :( bummer eh~
my friends are going through an emo period :( i hope they're alright. i wish i could help them in whatever way i can but i don't wanna force them to tell me things. so yea...i just hope they'll get over it soon and go back to being happy and all. bla bla bla.
being in form6 and realising ur 18 does SOMEWHAT suck some happiness, naivety out of you, its like suddenly u have to grow up. oh well~ all the best to them. guys, i'll be here for you if u need me. this applies to a few certain people who haven't even hit 16 and is too emoing -.-lll
so yea, i think that's all for now :) AND I FEEL SO KOREANISED LATELY.
prefect's dinner was......well it was great, i think. it's alright la. the vids were awesome. our performance was, i feel so "vase-ee" if u you know what i mean. screw it, i dont even wanna talk bout it =/ anyways~ i took loads of pictures with a bunch of people BUT THEN the thing is most of my pictures is with yap, and THANKS TO MAPLE, i dont think he's gonna be uploading any of it. and and others is with jacqieee and yea (: that, she uploaded, OKAY I KNOW M CRAPPING. i can hardly concentrate, m half watching gossip girl, so yea...subconsciously typing..... >.<
neway~ choir competition. we got 2nd place. we're against junior choir&senior choir. so the results were pretty obvious =/ the senior choir was from brunei! and i saw my teacher from my previous school, t.lito! :D awesomeness! x) and their choir was really good, how could it not be? they were experienced, and and some of them are like FREAKIN TEACHERS!! =O
its just a lil too bad that i couldn't watch other performance just like i did every other year with my sister :( bummer eh~
my friends are going through an emo period :( i hope they're alright. i wish i could help them in whatever way i can but i don't wanna force them to tell me things. so yea...i just hope they'll get over it soon and go back to being happy and all. bla bla bla.
being in form6 and realising ur 18 does SOMEWHAT suck some happiness, naivety out of you, its like suddenly u have to grow up. oh well~ all the best to them. guys, i'll be here for you if u need me. this applies to a few certain people who haven't even hit 16 and is too emoing -.-lll
so yea, i think that's all for now :) AND I FEEL SO KOREANISED LATELY.
The 57 best things in life! :)
credits to lyd's tumblr:)
- Falling in love.
- Laughing so hard your face hurts.
- A hot shower.
- No lines at the super market.
- A special glance.
- Getting mail.
- Taking a drive on a pretty road.
- Hearing your favorite song on the radio.
- Lying in bed listening to the rain outside.
- Hot towels out of the dryer.
- Finding the sweater you want is on sale for half price.
- Chocolate milkshake.
- A long distance phone call.
- A bubble bath.
- Giggling.
- A good conversation.
- The beach.
- Finding money in your coat from last winter.
- Laughing at yourself.
- Midnight phone calls that last for hours.
- Running through sprinklers.
- Laughing for absolutely no reason at all.
- Having someone tell you that you’re beautiful.
- Laughing at an inside joke.
- Friends.
- Falling in love for the first time.
- Accidentally overhearing someone say something nice about you.
- Waking up and realizing you still have a few hours left to sleep.
- Your first kiss.
- Making new friends or spending time with old ones.
- Playing with a new puppy.
- Late night talks with your roommate that keep you from sleeping.
- Having someone play with your hair.
- Sweet dreams.
- Hot chocolate.
- Road trips with friends.
- Swinging on swings.
- Watching a good movie cuddled up on a couch with someone you love.
- Wrapping presents under the Christmas tree while eating cookies and drinking eggnog.
- Song lyrics printed inside your new CD so you can sing along without feeling stupid.
- Going to a really good concert.
- Getting butterflies in your stomach every time you see that one person.
- Making eye contact with a cute stranger.
- Winning a really competitive game.
- Making chocolate chip cookies!
- Having your friends send you homemade cookies!
- Spending time with close friends!
- Seeing smiles and hearing laughter from your friends.
- Holding hands with someone you care about.
- Running into an old friend and realizing that some things (good or bad) never change.
- Discovering that love is unconditional and stronger than time.
- Riding the best roller coasters over and over.
- Hugging the person you love.
- Watching the expression someone’s face as they open a much-desired present from you.
- Watching the sunrise.
- Getting out of bed every morning and thanking God for another beautiful day.
- Having friends you know you can cry on or talk to about your deepest problems
its goood to make people happy :)
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
people, should make it a point to make others happy. like not to the point where u have to trouble yourself :)
anyways! i FINALLY sent the audio clip to lyds :) (yay! me~~) and she was so happy, which made me happy, and then if ely sees lyd's post on fb and checked out y blog, m pretty sure she'll be happy tooo~ aww~ a clip can make plp so happy :) it's so worth it :D
neways~ jacqie came over to bake cookies :D AWESOME COOKIES i tell euu. PEOPLE! u should so buy it! :) neway~ i think jacq & lyd should so meet :) they'll get along so well. and then there's the 20,000 common friends too xP
then i didnt go for choir practice today cause have to bake the cookies kan, i wonder what happen. its this saturday and m still confuse about what are we suppose to wear =O yeshh, thats i VERY VERY bad...
then prefects night. i think i'll just wear back the dress~ OR MAY BE if that morning itself i can find anything worth it and nice, i'll go for it. ahahhaha! i know, so last minute right =.=''''
hmm~ what else, what else o.O (after 3secs)
well i think thats all for today :D (LAWLS) =P
neways~ jacqie came over to bake cookies :D AWESOME COOKIES i tell euu. PEOPLE! u should so buy it! :) neway~ i think jacq & lyd should so meet :) they'll get along so well. and then there's the 20,000 common friends too xP
then i didnt go for choir practice today cause have to bake the cookies kan, i wonder what happen. its this saturday and m still confuse about what are we suppose to wear =O yeshh, thats i VERY VERY bad...
then prefects night. i think i'll just wear back the dress~ OR MAY BE if that morning itself i can find anything worth it and nice, i'll go for it. ahahhaha! i know, so last minute right =.=''''
hmm~ what else, what else o.O (after 3secs)
well i think thats all for today :D (LAWLS) =P
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