
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

To players, we’re hot. To perverts, we’re sexy. To adults, we’re cute. To relatives, we’re adorable. To dumbasses, we’re fine. To each other, we’re pretty. To gentlemen, we’re gorgeous. To the right guys, we’re beautiful. But to ourselves, we’re ugly as fuck.

i dont know what made me repost this from lyd's tumblr. the undeniable truth in those sentences? the insecurities that every female face? i have no idea.

to lyds:
i know i cant be there WITH you physically, seriously, screw distance. but i'm always here FOR you. i'm just a text, a phone/skype/msn call away, okay. no matter what happens i'll listen. live in denial for as long as you want, no questions asked, but you know i was somewhat there, tho not as bad as how u seem to be in now and someday you just have to come back to the real world, reality. when u realise its too much for u to take on, know that your friends, family is always there for you. ALWAYS. no one says life gonna be easy man, but then its the toughness that makes living life worthwhile. no? ;) all the best to you. i just read your blog.