just re-read my 1st few blogs and ahahahH! good ol' days :)which is then i realise the way i blog didnt change much. which i have no idea is a good thing or not ~

<3 i would so want all of the above, not the date, and a hug instead of the cuddle.
but a milkshake, ice cream, choc[THANKS JACQIEEE xx], and more time (:
4 more days till school re-opens =/ I DEMAND LONGER HOLIDAYS!!!! T.T
its like i dont wanna start complaining or anything[which i already had actually] BUT the edu system is soooo GRRR, RAWR, !@#$%^&*&^%$
why? [btw~ applies to form6,stpm students only]
BECAUSE 1st after spm, they left us with so many months, rotting at home or something. then when school starts, they spam teach like crazy, trying to cover 20,000 chapters in 1 and a half years time. you know what they should do?? this is what they should do
-may be starting from beginning of the year or something, give us an insight of how/what stpm is, LEND,RENTS,BORROW us books and all, then ONLY gives a 5 months holiday, so we can make our decision to whether stay for form6 or fly off to another continent. and at least in that 5 months time, those that actually decided to stay for form6 can read up those 20,000 chapter -.- NOT SPAM TEACH!!!!
us pitiful students are fuh-reakin stressed out like crazy . geeez man!
*breathes* i'm done :)
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