one of the main reason on why i dont watch horror/thriller ESPECIALLY in cinemas i mean come on, why waste $ on something that u'll barely set ur eyes on, annoy people and FREAK YOURSELF OUT, you know what i call this? SELF-TORTURE xD
something is off with my blog, no more colour & instead of bolding it "codes" if u get what i mean. anyways, the last few HOURS of my holidays :( which also means the end of my blogging days, or the beginning of my blog going on an hiatus, or or or~ anyways, point is, less online :( BUT
i'm gonna always be on my fb :P
msn on fridays&sats night =D
maple on friday nights :)
yeappsss :) thats all peeps (; happy schooling~ few months till our end year break! WOOTS! xD
ohh! if you guys have time check out this dude's mashup/remix
sam tsui- dynamite&love the way you lie&teenage dream :D
currently addicted to : tongue tied-faber drive & rascal flatt- what hurts the most
HAAAAA still playing maple :P
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