1st question to myself. should i go for an outing tomorrow?
reasons why i should:
-cause yap2/alston invited me
-its a great way to see everyone there
-i havent hanged out with em? o.o
- (i shall try to add some more >.<)
why i shouldn't:
-the movie that they're gonna watch is most prolly be resident evil or step up, which the former i am not planning to watch, nt exactly my favourite genre and latter, i watched already -.-
-i've overspent this holsss
-i want to go isna's place, open hse, i promised (but then i still could go in the aft, so not a prob) :)
-(pretty much thats all?)
anyways~ i really need to call ely coz i need to know whether she's going or not! rawr! but then my hse phone is not working(still), i havent call the stupeeed telekom yet T.T ah well~ i'll see how it goes =D
credits to ely's blog. i just saw it and very much "feels it" so yea :)

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