i KILLED exam (DAYMN~ that sounds so much better eh compared to EXAM KILLED ME)

truth to be told, i just knew that excel isnt that important after entering my current school. my previous school takes exam rather seriously o.O
strange how the importance of exams differs between school (:
ANDANDANDAND oh em gee!!!!!!!!!! i slept for like 10hours last night *gaspsssss* i know right!!! =P i am AWESOME that way! was so dead beat, that i just DIVED onto the bed&the next thing i know is "OMG! late for school" well naww~~ m not REALLY that late >.< [rights, who am i kidding]

neway~ i so didnt know we have prefect duties during excel, imagine my face when i walked into school at 6.50am and saw all these HUMANS scurrying into the hall like a school of sardines getting packed into those cans, so that we get canned sardines an--d, okayy. i should STOP. ANYWAYS, went to the nearest prefect (who gave me the your-late-AGAIN-look) and asked, we have duties today??!!! and she was like..yeaaa! then i'm like f*ck i didnt even bring the blazer...
so the rest of the monDAY went like another typical MONDAY. you know,

neway!~ after school we(dad,sis&i) went to our all time fav malay stall ;D its nt rli considered a stall but MEH~ i'm getting addicted to the rojak! its awesome-licious! xD *lovelovelike* :D but before that i went to the bus terminal to get some stuff AND gawd, i hate those pilaks(yes, they're skin colour is as dark as the letter i just bold!) UGHH!!~ i hope they'll just die&rot somewhere!!!! gawd, cant u leave people ALONE!!! IDK, what they find so fun in scaring/kacauing/pestering/annoying/laughing at people. DAMNIT DAMNIT. they are the 1st to kill on my to-kill list. i mean come on! even cockroaches aren't THAT BAD!
neway~ thats pretty much my day (: wonder what'll the night brings me =P hahahah! probably another monday night :D hehehs~
gawd, my eyes are BLOODY itchy but nickt says not to scratch cause it may destroy the eyes and increase the degree. not that i wear specs to start with but PREVENTION IS ALWAYS BETTER THAN CURE. right? ;)
and and and i haven't talk/skype lyds for a longg time now. wonder how she is =(
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