actually planned to jog with a bunch of friends but unfortunately THAT didnt went according to plan cause my mum didnt wanna send me and stuff cause an hour or so after that need to send my sis so bla3~~~ ended up not being able to go even when i was in a proper attire already. pffts~ the plan was suppose to be carried out at 7.30am in the morning -.-
anyways~ since THE plan didnt work out. nego with momma &&&&&&& i get to use the car! :D condition: i have to bring my sis to&fro for tuition. no probs with that ;) then she went out and i sent my sis to tuition. suppose to pick her up at 11am but then turns out she came out at 12. WTF! i was super duper pissed. prolly cause i feel like lots of time wasted, it was a hot day trap in a car, had no one to talk to, havent had my breakfast yet, lack of sleep, bloody sis cant even reply to my sms or AT LEAST inform me teacher gave them a "free" extra hour. I HATE WAITING. yeaa =.= i was like SOO freakin piss + furious and all. RAWR! i swear i nearly bit her head off when she came into the car.
then after that we drop the car in a shopping mall where my momma is going to then walked to the other mall(just across the road) for Harry Potter!!! xD like finally much?! :D
break personal record oh, that has got to be the 1st time i got so many phone calls whil5e sitting a movie =.= like 5 phone calls this, from 3 different people. lawl. && HP 7-part1 is good man! like veryyy veryy compared to twilight.no offense vampy fans.
i mean c'mon, stewart doesnt even have a quarter of emotions and talent to what watson has.admit it, you know i'm right.....

after that when i came home i was surprised that my aunt & uncle (as in dad's sis&bro) were here. went up then took in the clothes and all bla3~ then my aunt suddenly came over eyes puffy and said my grandma fell down =O rushed to the other side of the house then yea, cut her head =/ damn~ sigh... now m thinking whether to turn down the job offer and stay at home 24/7 to watch over my grandma. i swear she was completely alright when i left (for movies) damn, so guilty this. SIGH~ hope she gets well soon&&&&&stop being so bloody obstinate.
breaks my heart to c my aunt cry ='( nearly cried with her too...

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