hahah! i was onlining until i got a text from my mum saying
"I bring friend home, please kemas"
HAHAHA. and she RARELY texts. that made me LAWL like literally xD

Hey. Stuff happens. People will change. Your best friend will become your worst enemy. You will fall to pieces, and wish you never existed. You’ll have new regrets and new mistakes. You’ll fall in love, and he’ll break your heart. You’ll argue, and cry yourself to sleep. There will be some days when you can’t drag yourself out of bed. You’ll look in the mirror and hate what you see. But things will get better. Every time you fall down, you get back up. You grow up a little more with each mistake. And no matter how hard it may seem, remember that this is only a chapter of your life. Life goes on.

the dudes ask me to leave it,
the chics is saying it's all up to me
the chics is saying it's all up to me
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