i dont know why but i suddenly feel like listening to all those songs that remind me bout you, us. i wonder how are you now, hows life on your side. i miss having late night chats with you, i miss you being there when i need you. i guess i just miss you a lot. hows that girl you're so into. are you guys together already? will u keep ur promise saying you'll tell me when you guys are official. cause i hell did not hear anything from you for quite sometime.... =( i miss you

Admit it.
You’re the ‘advice giver’ to a problematic friend,
but when it comes to your own problems you can’t find a solution.
You’re the ‘advice giver’ to a problematic friend,
but when it comes to your own problems you can’t find a solution.

You are what you believe.
Pep Talk: When someone insults you, it is your job not to believe them. Some bullshit comment could potentially derail you if you let it in, so do not. You are good and kind. You are beautiful and smart. You are what you are, not what some asshole says you are.
Today remind yourself: I am what I believe.

Cinderella walked on broken glass. Sleeping Beauty let a lifetime pass. Belle fell in love with a beast. Princess Jasmine chose a common theif. Ariel walked on land for love. Snow White barely escaped a knife. It was all about blood, sweat, and tears because love means facing your biggest fears. We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.

fact 2:
i think that waiters & waitresses should be trained to not stare at their customers when they eat. [i mean come on people, awkwardness]

yesh! settled stuff~ :) so we're gonna go kundasang on wednesday~ well excitement is not really in me right now more like relief we have tranport to go up&back to our beloved homes =P hahahahah.
anyways~ i feel soo bad for not being able to go for badminton. sorry rogiee =/ really wanted to go actually but no transport. dang~ wish dad can get a new car soon *prays hard*
and bernice too~ sigh! i want to go watch harry potter 6 so badly!!! but then AGAIN! no transport =(
then no kL~ but m prolly gonna start working. whee~~ :))
and and and i really gotta start studying soon...

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