so what happened on deepavali? [fridayyy]
basically i spent like the whole day at jacqie's & satya's place :D 1st at jacq's then since her mum's car isnt working that properly. keith came and pick us up and drove us to satya's open hse :) so yeaa~ saw so many plp. then spent like gazillion hrs with jacq's catching up ♥
it's been a long time since i last chat with her =) feels really good actually! =D

Day 17 →
A book you’ve read that changed your views on something.
err~ well i remember growing up reading "chicken soup" so i guess that book somehow affect me in ways more than one. i mean taught me to see things from different perspective and stuff. idk~ but but i think most of my view-changing-thingee comes from the courses that my parents invested on me. thanks mum&dad :)
[ps:i actually i forgot where i left off but whatevers ;)]

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