There's always 3 sides to a story: theirs, yours and the truth.
Reserve judgement until u have learn all three!
i just realise after i reactivate fb i seldom blog =O
anyways~~~ today in the morning i woke up like automatically 5am+ miracle much? JUST WHEN I THOUGHT i could reach school early, the most RIDICULOUS reason shattered my thoughts.
what exactly happen:
me: *shouts* dad! go school lorh, wake up...
dad: *goes downstairs>>enter kitchens* why are there dishes in the basin?
sis&i: dunno, not ours [honest! prolly's mum from the night before]
dad: i dont care who's is it, i'm not moving until one of u finish the dishes.
overall school was fineee. went for a lil bug hunting~ kong's good in catching insects. lawl caught 2 butterflies & a PAIR of bugs. lawl. they were err, having intercourse -.-
ANYWAYS~ moving on, we're gonna go muzium tmr! ;D as in all us biology students. to learn how to preserve these plants&insectas =D so no school for the whole day. WHEE~~~ (: cant wait!!!!
gawd! and there's this person (who-shall-not-be-named here) is suchhh a UGHH!!!! i feel like slapping IT everytime i see IT! and i cant believe i actually have to pretend to ignore whatever she's implying(underlying sarcasm) and answer her in my most honest-normal-talking voice(with a SMILE to top it off). when all i feel like doing was roll my eyes and call IT !@#$%^&* [too obscene for young readers]
Day 19 →
What do you think of religion? Or what do you think of politics?
er~ i think religion is really important in one's life. it actually does guide u in life indirectly tho. people shouldnt discriminate others just cause others are of different religion i mean c'mon religion is the main reason why malaysia have sooo much holidays =3 NOT THE POINT, i know. buttt =3 ahahahaha!
politics is just screwed up, twisted but fun! hahahah! it's interesting. manipulating. planning. baiting. getting. losing. winning. its like a game involving real lifes and real stuff. real game in the real world. DRAMA! ahhahaha
what exactly happen:
me: *shouts* dad! go school lorh, wake up...
dad: *goes downstairs>>enter kitchens* why are there dishes in the basin?
sis&i: dunno, not ours [honest! prolly's mum from the night before]
dad: i dont care who's is it, i'm not moving until one of u finish the dishes.
overall school was fineee. went for a lil bug hunting~ kong's good in catching insects. lawl caught 2 butterflies & a PAIR of bugs. lawl. they were err, having intercourse -.-
ANYWAYS~ moving on, we're gonna go muzium tmr! ;D as in all us biology students. to learn how to preserve these plants&insectas =D so no school for the whole day. WHEE~~~ (: cant wait!!!!
gawd! and there's this person (who-shall-not-be-named here) is suchhh a UGHH!!!! i feel like slapping IT everytime i see IT! and i cant believe i actually have to pretend to ignore whatever she's implying(underlying sarcasm) and answer her in my most honest-normal-talking voice(with a SMILE to top it off). when all i feel like doing was roll my eyes and call IT !@#$%^&* [too obscene for young readers]
Day 19 →
What do you think of religion? Or what do you think of politics?
er~ i think religion is really important in one's life. it actually does guide u in life indirectly tho. people shouldnt discriminate others just cause others are of different religion i mean c'mon religion is the main reason why malaysia have sooo much holidays =3 NOT THE POINT, i know. buttt =3 ahahahaha!
politics is just screwed up, twisted but fun! hahahah! it's interesting. manipulating. planning. baiting. getting. losing. winning. its like a game involving real lifes and real stuff. real game in the real world. DRAMA! ahhahaha
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