screw email lyds! u prolly check my bloggie more often =P just read ur blog and yea~ stuffs been happening quite a lot =/ its alrights now but something's bound to happen soon. always does anyways.
hahaha~ neways! well there is a complication to the ticket i bought =/ i'll fb inbox u on it tho. and and and dont feel bad man, we feel bad for not being with u too. so it cancels out =) ely's just random she's pretty much happy half the time~ i'll err, take care of her in ur absence ;) then when u come back u can do the honor of baby-sitting both of us ;) ;) kan kan elyyy =P
i LOVE the new blogskin and cant wait to c u soon!!! =D then we'll catch up and talk about everything under the sun, prat of nothing important.crap :D EAT!~

7 secrets of success.
ALL found in a room !
- ROOF SAID: aim high.
- FAN SAID: be cool.
- CLOCK SAID: every minute is precious.
- MIRROR SAID: reflect before you act.
- WINDOW SAID: see the world.
- CALENDAR SAID: be up to date.
- DOOR SAID: push hard to achieve your goals.

her house is like a movie house. never ending supply of movies! =P
neways~ my saturday was like movie day too. hahah! went out to 1b with my sis&cuz then ate the awesome malacca laksa there *yummm* hehehe~ then watch megamind CAUSE the bloody counter didnt allow us to purchase takers [sis is below 18] -_- even after all my lying and sweet talking. pfft~ stupeed guy =.=
BUT megamind aint that bad, not your everyday Good vs Bad. good wins kind of movie.
after that stayed over (: and finished watching eclipse followed by ocean 12&13 xD
this morning watched R.E.D while they were counting coins. LAWL from a--wait for ittt--- PIGGY BANK which looks like a piggy! xP
and i still havent catch my bug =/ or found a plant =/ luckily yap2 has spare plants x) and i hope aaron caught a few bugs >.<

Your views on gay marriage.
not really bothered by it. so no comments.
would wanna attend one tho =3 highly impossible since i'm in malaysia T.T
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