neway~ today was pretty great, prolly cause i slept for 9hours last night =3 i know awesome me =P HAHAH. so woke up happy! :) and and drank ovaltine for breakfast, so thats double happy xD then no prefects duty, triple happy. okay i think i'll just list down why i'm pretty happy today :D
-slept for 9hours
-drank ovaltine for breakfast
-no prefects duty
-exam starts at 10.30am
-chatted with them awesome peeps bout pokemon&other animes that we watch when we're young, the good old days xP
-ely gave me a note/letter since we can BARELY talk and i need to cut down on my phone calls T.T
-sis&jan2 actually WENT into the school to pick me up :D
-went to jan's place to catch up&watch a movie
-i'm eating BURGER for dinner tonight ! :D
whats not to be happy about eh ;)

neway~ the only down part to today is my math. damn, i am SO SCREWED, screwed up baddd mannn. HAHAH! oh well nvm. like i say my motto for this exam: EXCEL ONLY MAH! =P
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